He will not interfere in the shape of the ship. After all, as a shipbuilder, he knows better than himself how to bear the wind and waves.

But the interior design is not necessarily so.

"Okay, then give me your design drawings, and then build the hull, and then evaluate the value!" Tom said.

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly and was about to say something.

"Huh? Sorry, I have to deal with it in advance. Let's talk about the ship later!"

After speaking, Li Zhenwu turned around and left, leaving the three people in the garbage dump stunned for a moment.

However, he didn't have time to explain so much, so he just vacated and flew towards the port of the port, the capital of water.

It didn't take long.

A figure dashed on the roof at a very fast speed, and in the blink of an eye, it reached the direction of the backstreet.

"I have been lurking in the water capital for more than half a year. I didn't expect to get the information I want so soon. I have to go back to Judicial Island and report."

This is a man in a suit, with ordinary facial features, which is inconspicuous when thrown into a crowd.

However, no one knows his identity, CP9 in the world government's spy agency.

After passing through the streets, it was almost time to reach the port.


"You left in such a hurry, did you hear what we said?"

At this moment, an indifferent voice sounded from behind.

After hearing this sentence, Nilo, the man in the suit, reacted quickly, kicked the void with both feet, turned and flew out two vacuum slashes.


The scythe-like blade cuts through the air and slashes straight at the person behind him.

"Type [-] user? It seems that you are from a spy agency!"

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, his hands were empty, and a powerful repulsive force broke out, causing the vacuum slash to fall into the air.


A house was slashed, dust flew, and collapsed immediately.

"Demon warrior Li Zhenwu, do you want to be the enemy of the world government?"

"Boy, I have been rewarded, and I have long been an enemy of the World Government. Do I still need you to tell me?" Li Zhenwu smiled lightly.


The force field erupted, and the invisible sphere enveloped the kilometer range, filling the four directions up and down.


Under the action of gravity, Nile, the man in the suit, was unstable and fell to the ground, creating a deep pit.

"Tell me, who ordered you to come here?"

Li Zhenwu came to the deep pit, looked down at Nile lying on the ground, and his tone was indifferent and cold.

The drawings of the ancient weapon Hades, did not expect that not long after the opening of the sea voyage, the world government was thinking about it.

It's just because he still has overwhelming power over pirates, so he hasn't made a move.

"I won't say it if I kill you, but I have already sent your news back to Judicial Island. I believe that the World Government will make a decision soon."

In the face of Li Zhenwu's overwhelming power, Nile, the man in the suit, gritted his teeth and regarded his death as home.

"If you don't say it, I know it. If I'm not wrong, it should be Spandain's order, right?"

Li Zhenwu sneered and pressed his hands down.


The ground smashed into cracks, like a cobweb, densely packed.

Then, a human-shaped pothole, bottomless, smashed the CP9 spy directly into the center of the earth.

Chapter [-] The world's first boatmaker! (third more)

"Come out, kid!"

In the alley behind Li Zhenwu, French came out, looking surprised.

He followed from the garbage dump, saw Li Zhenwu's shot, and heard the conversation between the two.

After following the construction of the sea train beside Tom, French seemed very unfamiliar with information from the outside world.

"Who are you, my master is just a boatman, and he doesn't have what you said at all."

Gathering up his courage, Frankie clenched his fists and stared at Li Zhenwu with bad eyes.

In his heart, there is nothing that can compare with the master.

"Since you've seen it all, shouldn't you be worried about Mr. Tom's safety? That's the world government. It's not too easy to arrest someone."

"Could it be because of the ancient weapon blueprints you mentioned? But how do you know~?"

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