Hearing Li Zhenwu's words, although French was still young, he didn't think about it.

Since Li Zhenwu is only a teenager, how can he know something that even the world government doesn't know?

"It doesn't matter who I am, but if you can help me build the ship, I can help Mr Tom get the attention of the world government."

Li Zhenwu carried his hands on his back and was extremely confident.

In this world, only he is qualified to say this, and no one can compare with it.

"The master has already said that when you bring the design drawings, he will help you do it." French pouted, obviously not believing Li Zhenwu's words.

"One year, no, build it for me in half a year. As for your sea train, although I don't doubt it will be successful, it is obviously not that important compared to your master's life."

"Who the hell are you?"

French asked again, he had never seen such a repeater.

He is young, but his tone is not small, but the naturalness in his tone often makes people unable to help but convince.

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, did not answer, stepped into the void, turned and left.

This arrogant and arrogant attitude made Frankie grit his teeth angrily.


Inside the junkyard, inside Tom's studio house.

"Yes, the power system can be retrofitted to use thermal energy, and the interior space is similar to a house."

Tom looked at the blueprints on the table and was amazed.

I have to say that almost all the designs that Li Zhenwu draws are the technologies he learned in the Dragon Ball world.

At the beginning, the strength was strong, and technology did not play much role for him.

Didn't expect it to come in handy at this moment.

Tom shouldn't be too shocked. He never thought that a warship could be built like this, which completely refreshed his world view.

"As for the appearance, I will not participate. I believe that Mr. Tom's ability will definitely be able to build the most powerful warship in the world for me."

Li Zhenwu said lightly: "I don't need much power, but it must be able to withstand any storm. Most importantly, ordinary people know how to drive."

"No problem, with your blueprint, I promise to build it."

The more he looked at the blueprints, the more excited Tom became, as if he had been exposed to a whole new field.

"I wonder how much the material will cost?"

"If it is the top material, the minimum is one billion Bailey, and [-] million is fine, but the overall level is lowered by one level."

"Then one billion, I will pay in half a month." Li Zhenwu said lightly.

Because he was on the phone with Long, the revolutionary army promised to send his money to the water capital within half a month, which was also a test of the revolutionary army's ability to transport.

After all, as an organization that subverts the world, how can it fight against the world government if it does not have a strong delivery capability?

In the end, Li Zhenwu simply stayed in Tom's studio.

Almost every day, Tom and Tom are studying the design drawings, and even after completely trusting Li Zhenwu, Tom also took out the design drawings of ancient weapons to share.

"It turns out that this is an ancient weapon. Although its power is good, its use is too single."

Unexpectedly, Li Zhenwu's face was full of disdain, and after a few glances, he lost interest.

The ancient weapons that can destroy the world, no matter how powerful, are only built according to the theory of this world.

The design drawings drawn by Li Zhenwu are different and contain various unexpected functions.

Chief among them, of course, is the comfort of living on board.

When Tom saw the design of the interior of the cabin, he was almost shocked. He wondered if this was for going to sea or for vacation?

Thirteen days later!

A canvas merchant ship appears in the port of the Water Capital.

"Mr. Li, the leader knows that you need cash, and has already exchanged all your treasures for cash, and also gave [-] million Bailey as a gift."

The revolutionary army sent to see Li Zhenwu was very respectful, put down the bag containing [-] billion in cash, and said goodbye very wisely.

"I remember this favor."

After taking the purse, Li Zhenwu said lightly, not feeling anything.

On the other hand, the revolutionary army who sent the money muttered in his heart, feeling that with a single word from Li Zhenwu, the leader's [-] million yuan had no psychological burden on his hands.

Only, he didn't know.

How terrifying the value of Li Zhenwu's favor.

If he knew, beg Li Zhenwu to let him help.

Back at Tom's studio, the three of them are building a sea train.


The heavy landing sound made the three of them stiff.

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