I just wanted to try it out, but I didn't expect this to happen.

But fortunately, there are no islands in the nearby waters. Under Li Zhenwu's sense of sight, a pirate ship was smashed.

When he came to the place where the pirate ship sank, there were only wooden boards and some clothes and canvas floating on the sea. Obviously, everyone died under the meteorite.

"stand up!"

Li Zhenwu stood on the bow of the boat, his right hand grabbed suddenly in the void.

Suddenly, there was a rumbling sound on the sea, and a huge box burst out of the water and flew on the deck of the Miracle.

The box was extremely heavy and fell on the deck, causing the Miracle to vibrate slightly.

"Huh? Navy?"

At this moment, Li Zhenwu frowned and looked up at 0.4 in a certain direction.

I saw that at the end of the sea and the sky, a small warship came at a rapid speed, looking very anxious.


Before they got close, the grand whistle was passed over.

Seeing this scene, Xia Luliya Palace in the cockpit couldn't help but change his face, and then his eyes showed joy.

"I finally saw the navy, this lowly human, I will make you look good later."

She glanced at Li Zhenwu without a trace, and the corner of her mouth raised a faint smile.

However, when she looked down and saw the clothes she was wearing, she was suddenly desperate.

The light gauze skirt, the skin and the skin are completely exposed and exposed, and the two points of red and fragrance are clearly visible.

Are you going out like this?

Chapter [-] Navy? (third more)

Li Zhenwu didn't know what Xia Lulia Palace thought, but he could feel it.

It's just that the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, and he glanced lightly at the galloping naval battleship, with a playful smile on his face.

"You want to leave now, right?" Turning his head to look at the girl, Li Zhenwu smiled lightly.

"No...no young master..."

Hearing Li Zhenwu's words, Xia Luliya Palace was frightened in her heart and quickly waved her hand to explain.

"Then go! If you're going, I won't stop you this time."


Xia Luliya Palace thought that he heard it wrong, how could this devil let him go?

However, Li Zhenwu said seriously again: "Don't hurry up, there are clothes in the cabin, you can hurry up when you are ready, the only chance you have to leave is this time."

When hearing this again, Xia Luliya Palace confirmed that Li Zhenwu was not joking, but when he was talking, the corner of his mouth kept a faint smile.

For some unknown reason, the girl always felt strange when she saw Li Zhenwu's smile.

It's just that 21's happiness in the bottom of his heart has drowned out all doubts because he learned that he can leave.

"Thank you, Master, you must be a good person."

Xia Lulia Palace quickly thanked and said almost all the words that could be praised.

Then, she quickly turned around and entered the cabin, and soon came out wearing a black professional secretary suit.

This outfit immediately made Li Zhenwu's eyes light up.

Unexpectedly, Xia Luliya Palace put on secretary clothes, and her temperament and delicate facial features really looked like that.

"Can you really let me go, young master?" She asked with a little bit of surprise, not at ease.

Obviously, I still can't believe what Li Zhenwu said.

"Of course I can, otherwise I would have turned around and left when I met the Navy, how could I stay where I am?"

"That saddens me so much that I won't be able to take care of the young master in the future."

Xia Lulia Palace pretended to be lost, but her eyes had already landed on the naval battleship three hundred meters away.

As the battleship approached, her eyes became more and more excited, and she almost cried.

Until she saw the navy on the deck of the naval battleship, she was completely relaxed, almost cheering, and finally she was able to get out of the palm of this demon.


The naval battleship stopped abruptly and slowly docked beside the Miracle.

On the deck, there were dozens of navy men standing with ruthless expressions on their faces, staring at Li Zhenwu and Xia Lulia Palace.

When he saw Xaluliya Palace, the chief officer in the center had a flash of greed in his eyes.

"Are you from the navy headquarters? Why did you come to rescue this princess now? When you go back, you must die."

Seeing the appearance of the navy, Xia Luliya Palace's nature was immediately exposed, her face was full of disdain, and her sense of superiority was restored.

However, when the navy heard her words, they all ignored it.

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