The chief officer stared at Li Zhenwu and asked lightly, "Boy, did you just see a pirate ship pass by?"

Obviously, the combination of Li Zhenwu and Xaluliya Palace, a man and a woman, did not make this battleship's navy suspicious.

Or, their news is blocked, and they don't even think that the demon warrior is right in front of them.

Because the hull structure of the Miracle is too special, and the navy does not know it, it will be ignored for now.

"Hey, didn't you hear what I said? Don't you know who I am?"

Xia Lulia Palace, who was next to her, was in a hurry and screamed, her little face full of anger.

The voice fell.

At this time, the navy really noticed her existence and cast doubtful glances.

They were wearing navy uniforms, but their clothes were messy, and their breath was very fierce, similar to that of pirates.

Compared with the naval soldiers encountered in the Chambord Islands, they lacked a sense of justice.

"Who are you?" the naval chief tilted his head and asked.

"Forget it, as long as you save me and leave, I won't make it difficult for you."

Xia Lulia Palace waved her hand, talking to herself, as if she still didn't understand the current situation.

Hearing her words, everyone suddenly turned black, thinking that this woman's appearance is good, but unfortunately her brain is broken.

"Boy, have you seen a pirate ship passing by here?"

Ignoring the girl directly, the chief turned to look at Li Zhenwu and continued to ask.

Li Zhenwu nodded and said with a faint smile: "I see, it's right in front, but it seems to have been hit by a meteorite and has sunk to the bottom of the sea."

Hearing this, the face of the navy on the battleship suddenly changed.

"What did you say? Did you see a box with a big door?" Chief asked anxiously, his face very ugly.

"Of course I saw it, look, isn't that the box I salvaged?"

While speaking, Li Zhenwu raised his hand and pointed to the big box on the deck.

The navy soldier followed the direction of his fingers, and suddenly saw on the green deck, the box was as big as a door, and it was heavy.

The next moment, all the navy breathed a sigh of relief.

"Haha, it's really good luck, little ones, kill them for me, don't let the news go."

Immediately afterwards, the Admiral's face suddenly turned hideous, his eyes filled with murderous intent, and he looked at Li Zhenwu as if he were looking at a dead man.


Xia Luliya Palace was shocked, looking at the navy of the opposite battleship in disbelief, not knowing what happened.

At this time, Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, "No doubt, they are the navy, but they are more hateful than pirates. You can leave with them. This is the only chance. I think they will be happy to bring you."

A low voice, full of jokes.

Falling in the ears of Xia Lulia Palace, her face turned pale with fright.

Because she saw the eyes of those navy soldiers, full of possessiveness and greed, without looking, she knew that her mind was not thinking of good things.

"Ow, kill them, sink the corpse into the sea, don't let the news leak out."

Dozens of navy soldiers raised their weapons without the slightest fluctuation in their eyes.

It seems that slaughtering lives, in their opinion, is already a familiar thing.

Chapter [-] Devil Fruit (Fourth)

The navy on the battleship was full of madness. They flew over and jumped from the battleship, trying to jump on the Miracle.

The distance between the two ships was ten meters, but under their best efforts, they leaped over a distance of dozens of meters, and they were extremely powerful.

Obviously, these navies are not weak.On the contrary, it is more powerful than many pirates.

It's just that they didn't fulfill the responsibilities of the navy, but used this identity to do things that hurt heaven and reason.

"Ah, how could it be like this." Seeing this, Xia Luliya Palace jumped behind Li Zhenwu like a frightened kitten, hugging her arms tightly, refusing to let go.

Obviously, in the eyes of the girl, these naval battleships are not as reliable as Li Zhenwu.

In the face of unknown danger, she chose to trust Li Zhenwu instead of looking to these navy soldiers who were more fierce than pirates in front of her.

"As expected, it seems that although you are a navy, I am afraid you are not an ordinary navy."

Seeing these navy's vigorous skills, Li Zhenwu immediately sneered, ignoring the delicate body behind him, and raised his hand to display his fruit ability.

"Force Field Weightlessness!"

The voice fell, and a sphere with a size of several thousand meters enveloped all directions up and down.

In the enclosed space, all substances lost their weight, and the naval battleship broke away from the water and slowly floated up.

Dozens of navy soldiers swayed uncontrollably, swaying in the air.

"Devil fruit ability?"

In an instant, everyone was shocked.

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