"Could it be that they have already discovered me?" Li Zhenwu was at a loss when he sensed the number of navies in the sea below.


At the same time, in the waters near O'Hara.

A naval battleship slowly emerged from the end of the sea level and approached directly towards the coast of O'Hara.

blu blu!

On the battleship, the voice of a phone bug rang.

"Sir, it's from the Navy Headquarters." A neatly dressed man in a black suit and sunglasses said, holding a phone bug in both hands.

Beside him, there were also several people, all dressed in similar attire to him.

Obviously, these people are from the same place, or the same profession.

In front of them, a middle-aged man sat with a smile on his face. When he heard the words of his subordinates, he pouted in dissatisfaction with a look of indifference.

"Ignore him, I just want to confirm the situation and contact them when we get ashore!"

Wearing a black and white striped coat, Spandain had a sullen face and was full of endless resentment.

"Hmph, who knows what O'Hara's Aopan is, and the evil old man came to this ghostly place in the West Sea."

Still resentful, obviously unhappy about the purpose of this trip.

The men in suits around were expressionless, and it seemed that they couldn't hear the chief's complaint.

blu blu!

At this moment, the voice of the phone bug rang again.

"Sir, I'm still looking for you!" The blond man with sunglasses said lightly.

Hearing this, Spanda hesitated for a while, and finally answered the phone worm reluctantly.

The voice of the Warring States period was very solemn: "Spandaine, the situation will change, if there is any accident, you can ask for reinforcements from the headquarters at any time."

"Hehe, that's not what you said at the beginning, what's the change? If there is danger, I will never go ashore, and I will immediately go to Judicial Island." Hearing the words of Warring States, Spandain seemed very excited.

You know, he is innately afraid of death and injury, and will never put himself in a dangerous situation.

To put it bluntly, it is the fear of death.

"Actually, it's nothing. It shouldn't affect your mission. Don't worry."

"How can I be at ease, tell me, what happened? If it is about O'Hara, I will quit immediately." Spandain threatened.

For some reason, he had a bad feeling.

Chapter [-] Sauro! (Second more)

Sure enough, Warring States on the phone bug side sighed obviously.

"Spandain, this is the task explained above. You just need to do it well. I will also go to the West Sea in the next few days, so you can rest assured?"

The Warring States period thought that he had his own guarantee, and even made a personal shot, which should make people feel at ease.

However, he underestimated Spandain's fear of death, and almost jumped up when he heard that Sengoku was going to come over in person.

You must know that if the Warring States did not say that he would come in person, it would be fine, which proves that the situation is not serious.

But now, for Spandain, it's simply huh.

"I don't want to do it anymore, why don't you hire another genius! Don't worry? Just give me the demon slaughter order, and now I'm here in person. Is this a task done by humans?" He shouted while holding the phone.

"Kaido disappeared from the great route. According to the information, he is going to enter the West Sea. I will stop it at the entrance. You can leave immediately after finishing O'Hara's affairs as soon as possible."

After a moment of silence, Sengoku finally gave in half a step, not wanting to change people in the middle, and his tone softened.

Hearing the name Kaido, Spandain shook his feet, felt his bladder shrunk, and almost urinated.

"Warring States, how dare you cheat me!" Spanda hung up the phone with his backhand, wanting to cry without tears.

He regretted death in his heart. He was fine on Judiciary Island, but because of the bastard of Warring States, he was in a dilemma now.

"Sir, do we want to leave now?" the bearded man wearing sunglasses asked blankly.

"No, we are on our way at full speed, and we have to complete the task ahead of time. Anyway, as long as we investigate the truth, it is not difficult for us."

Spandain smiled coldly, reached out and touched the golden phone bug in his arms, "As for the battle, leave it to these navies!"

The plan has been figured out. No matter what method is used, the evidence will be found quickly when O'Hara arrives, and then the Demon Slayer Order will be launched.

As for the consequences, he didn't think about it, and won't think about it.

Because this was originally what the World Government wanted, and he and the Warring States were just pushing the boat along the way.


Three days ago...

O'Hara West Coast.

"Hee hee, I'll leave here after a few days of rest."

A bearded giant sat cross-legged on the ground, and the towering trees didn't even reach his knees, as if standing on the ground.

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