This person is the lieutenant general who defected from the navy headquarters, Sauro

On a hill in front of Sauro, little Robin nodded and turned to look in the direction of the sea.

"Do you really want to go to sea?"

"No, I want to go to sea with my big brother."

"Big brother?"

"Yes, big brother is very powerful at defeating pirates, so my aunt doesn't dare to scold me now."

When little Robin spoke, his eyes curled with laughter, obviously thinking of something happy.

"Really, isn't he in O'Hara then?" Sauluo asked in a loud voice.

"Big brother has gone to sea, but he will definitely come back. He told me that if I really need him, he will definitely appear in front of me as long as I call my big brother's name."

"Hee hee hee, can you tell me his name then?"

"No, I can only say it when I need it most, otherwise it won't work."

Little Robin shook her head decisively and refused. She was simple-minded, but she didn't want to call her big brother back now.

Seeing the serious look of little Robin, Sauro was speechless, thinking that she was really a little girl, and she still believed in these deceptions.

That's right, in Sauluo's eyes, what little Robin said about the big brother was just for coaxing.

"Since you don't say it, then forget it, I don't have to know." Sauro shook his head, his face full of depression.


Seeing that Sauro was unhappy, little Robin covered his mouth with a smile and said cautiously, "I'll tell you secretly, but I won't tell you your full name, so it should be fine, right?"

As expected of a genius who had a doctorate at the age of eight, his brain changed quickly.

"That's definitely fine, don't worry." Seeing little Robin's mysterious face, Sauro was very curious in his heart.

"Okay, listen carefully, the big brother's name is Zhenwu." Little Robin raised his chin, his eyes full of pride.

You must know that Li Zhenwu is a demon warrior, a super pirate with a reward of [-] million, and he is absolutely amazing.

After all, she has a wide range of knowledge, and she also knows that there are not as many as [-] million pirates with the highest reward in the West Sea.

Even in the world, it is a rare super pirate.

But Ronaldinho's words fell in Sauro's ears, and his face changed drastically.

"Demon Warrior?"

No one knows better than him the meaning behind the name.

"This is O'Hara?" Sauro asked instead.

"Yes, our island has gathered the best scholars in the world, hee hee hee, I got my doctorate certificate yesterday."

Speaking of which, little Robin looked very happy and couldn't help but smile.


His head was like thunder, almost blank.

Sauluo's eyes showed horror, and there was no longer a smile. The whole person was shocked by the words of little Robin.

After escaping from the navy headquarters, he has been on the run and wandering. Unexpectedly, God brought him to the island of O'Hara, where the incident originated.

You know, the sudden rise of the demon warriors contributed to Sauluo's decision to escape from the headquarters.

"That woman, I don't know what's going on now?"

Suddenly, Sauluo thought of the survivor of that archaeological team.

It is precisely because of that person's belief that he persevered to leave the headquarters to find what he really wanted.

"Little Robin, I have never lied to you. Now, I have something very important to tell you..."

On the coast, Sauro's heavy voice sounded. He was very detailed and told little Robin what he knew.

In the end, he was shocked when he learned of the whereabouts of little Robin's mother.

"Is it really God's will?"

Looking at the fast-running figure, Sauro showed a thoughtful expression, and his heart became more and more anxious.

It seems that all progress seems to be speeding up invisibly.

Chapter [-] The Great Chaos in the West Sea! (third more)

According to the original pirate novel, there are still several months before O'Hara is destroyed.

However, because of Li Zhenwu's arrival, the Navy headquarters and the world government were extremely vigilant, so CP9 was sent to the West Sea to investigate in advance.

Even, Sauro was a traitor to the navy and has been pursued by the navy.

Also because of Li Zhenwu's rapid rise, the power of pursuit was weakened, and he ended up in O'Hara ahead of schedule.

All of this, because of his arrival, slightly deviated from the original history of this world.

Naturally, Li Zhenwu didn't know that at this moment, he piloted the Miracle, leaping into the sky, and shuttled through the clouds.

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