Li Zhenwu sits cross-legged in the void, his eyes are closed, and his treasure is solemn.

The cursed energy of the Devil Fruit is strange, sticking to the body, everywhere, and even the fruit's ability is perfectly integrated.

However, a long time ago, that cursed energy was gathered into a ball by Li Zhenwu with a rather powerful repulsion force.

"come out!"

Suddenly, Li Zhenwu suddenly opened his eyes, and the divine light burst out.

The power of true martial arts in the body is as majestic as the sea, rolling and boiling, wrapped in a vague and strange energy.

This mass of energy is pervasive, almost imperceptible.

If it weren't for the extraordinary power of true martial arts, it would be difficult for ordinary people to discover it.


At this moment, the curse energy seemed to sense Li Zhenwu's thoughts, vibrated violently, and was quite spiritual.

21 "Want to escape? Too late."

Li Zhenwu grinned, and the power of Zhenwu was pushed to the limit, exuding a majestic breath.

At this moment, his whole body was soaring to the sky, and the golden energy, like a raging flame, rose up in his body and burned roaringly.

It is not so easy to defuse the power of the devil fruit's curse.

If it was still in its heyday, it would of course be a matter of minutes, but now, it is necessary to cycle and gradually peel off that mass of energy from the body.


I don't know how long it took, when a slight crisp sound came.

I saw Li Zhenwu's palm, a hazy ball of energy seeping out from under the skin.

The energy ball was exposed to the air, twisted continuously, turned into various forms, and drilled toward the palm.

However, the invisible repulsive force, after being amplified by the power of true martial arts, had already formed a protective layer on the skin.

"A curious energy, but if it exists alone, it is useless at all."

Looking down at the energy ball in his palm, Li Zhenwu's eyes were indifferent and calm.

These cursed energies, like time bombs, entered the human body from the fruit power, and have been parasitic.

Similarly, if two fruits are eaten, these energies will react and become unbearable, producing quite powerful power.

In this way, there is a legend of the devil.

"The physique is not strong enough, no matter how strong the strength is, it cannot be resolved." Li Zhenwu said lightly to himself.

The curse is parasitic on the human body. When the owner of the fruit dies, the curse will naturally dissipate, and the ability of the fruit will gradually disappear, and eventually condense again.

This is the operation of the rules of the pirate world, mysterious and difficult to detect.

Even if the world's number one scientist can decipher the secret of using the fruit, he cannot decipher the core of it.

Because this is the core operating rules of the pirate world.


Li Zhenwu exerted a little force, the power of Zhenwu covered his whole body, and forcefully squeezed the energy sphere into the palm of his hand, completely annihilating it in this space and time.

Even if Li Zhenwu unexpectedly died and the fruit of gravity returned to nature and re-condensed, the curse would no longer exist.

Obviously, this is the rule that limits the power of individuals to be too large, thereby affecting the operation of the world.

have a break……

After Li Zhenwu regained his mental exhaustion, he immediately took out the Thunder Fruit and swallowed it directly.

Immediately afterwards, he repeated the same trick again, directly stripping the cursed power that had just been parasitized into the body from the body.


Still extremely strong, with a firm grip, it was completely annihilated in the palm of your hand.

The demons of the two Devil Fruits have completely dissipated, and even if they are condensed again, they are still two fruits without the ability of devils.

"Sound thunder fruit, control thunder, can also be transformed into lightning, the best in nature."

Feeling the tingling sensation in his blood, Li Zhenwu closed his eyes and felt it carefully.

A trace of electric arc, faint blue and strange, burst out from the blood cells.

not much time...


The electric arc gradually increased and came out through the body, covering the entire body, emitting a pale light.

"What a magical feeling, so this is the nature department?"

Li Zhenwu closed his eyes and clearly felt the thunder power flowing in his body, just like his hands and feet, he could easily control it with a single thought.

Perhaps because of Saiyan's physique, the thunder and lightning generated in his body seems to be endless and endless.

Soon, the main white and white sea was covered by a dazzling blue electric arc, and the powerful momentum continued to soar, and it was extremely terrifying.

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