
Li Zhenwu's body suddenly transformed into countless electric arcs, interweaving in and out of a sea of ​​thunder, and emerged on the sea surface.


Suddenly, countless arcs flashed away and disappeared from the place in an instant.

Bai Baihai regained its calm, as if nothing had happened.


In the sky above O'Hara, thousands of arcs appeared out of thin air, condensing into a thin figure.

"It turns out that this is blur, walking on water molecules in the air is almost the same as teleportation 443."

Li Zhenwu overlooked the island below, and the arc of the whole body was wrapped around him, and he was absorbed into the body in an instant.

This means of mastering physical abilities is perfect.

You know, ordinary people have this kind of power, and they are almost uncontrollable.

But Li Zhenwu can do it easily, thanks to his Saiyan physique, born to fight.

"It's time to leave." Li Zhenwu smiled.


The air shook slightly, and he disappeared in place.

A rather subtle lightning flashed along the water molecules in the air at the speed of light.

When it appeared again, it was already in front of the dragon.

"Mr. Li?"

Inside the cabin, Long was in contact with the revolutionary army in the sea below, and Li Zhenwu suddenly appeared, almost startling him.

"I'm going to set off for the Kingdom of God now. When will your revolutionary army leave, take Nakuzan with you!" Li Zhenwu said directly.

"Don't we need our help here?"

These days, Long also has some understanding of the empty island.

The kingdom of God is not Bika, it is a country ruled by God, obviously the arrival of the residents of O'Hara will not be solved as easily as Bika.

Chapter [-]: The Mystery of Devil Fruits


In the dim cabin, a dazzling pale electric arc bloomed from Li Zhenwu, illuminating the entire cabin.

Li Zhenwu was bathed in thunder and lightning, his black hair was flying, and he was majestic.

Seeing this scene, Long was stunned for a moment, and then he was shocked beyond words.

He widened his eyes, still looking at Li Zhenwu in disbelief, as if he saw a monster.

"What kind of ability is this?" Long's tone trembled and stuttered.

But his eyes have already betrayed himself.

When the devil fruit ability is displayed, there is a unique atmosphere.

For those with the same fruit ability, it is easy to distinguish.

In other words, Li Zhenwu's thunder ability, he instantly knew that it was a fruit ability.

It was precisely because he knew it that he was shocked and unbelievable.

"Fruit ability!" Li Zhenwu waved one hand, closed the arc, and said lightly.

The voice fell.

The cabin was quiet, and Long looked at Li Zhenwu's eyes, full of horror, and even a trace of fear.

"No...impossible, it is impossible for one person to eat two Devil Fruits at the same time. Since the emergence of Devil Fruits, it has never appeared in history. By the way, it must be Mr. Li's magical method."

Long shook his head sharply, his face full of bitterness.

This is not only beyond imagination, but also breaks his previous world view, and even subverts the truth.

"Nothing is impossible."

Li Zhenwu carried his hands on his back and said lightly: "One cannot eat two Devil Fruits at the same time, but each fruit contains the power of a curse, but as long as the power of the curse is resolved, let alone two, even ten hundred It is not impossible to eat one or even indefinitely.”

"But there are different powers in the body. Even if there is no curse, it needs a fairly strong physique to do it."

The tone was still indifferent, Li Zhenwu seemed to be telling a trivial matter, which completely opened Long's eyes.

In fact, the stronger the body, the more fruit ability it can swallow.

And ordinary people, even without the power of the curse, the body cannot bear the existence of two different powers.

This is also why Blackbeard Titch is called a special physique in the original book.

"It turns out that, with Mr. Li's genius, it must not be difficult to do it." Long nodded, and finally accepted this reality.


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