Li Zhenwu said lightly, "Since I alone lead O'Hara and the others to the kingdom of God, and you, take that Kuzan away, lest I break my word."

"Understood, I will set off immediately and take Kuzan away. If Mr. Li needs to use our revolutionary army, I will not have any complaints."

After these days, Long's fanaticism towards Li Zhenwu was almost even more intimate than Lao Tzu's.

For Long's kindness, Li Zhenwu nodded lightly, noncommittal.

From the O'Hara incident, although the revolutionary army did not make an explicit attack, their actions were closely related to Li Zhenwu.

It is not difficult to imagine that when they return to the Blue Ocean, they will definitely be branded as Zhenwu Emperor.

Of course, Long is happy to see Li Zhenwu stick to his relationship.

Even, these days, Li Zhenwu has been invited to be their leader.

In response, Li Zhenwu smiled and neither agreed nor refused.


O'Hara floats in the White White Sea.

At this moment, all the residents and scholars on the island came out to see them off.

"Robin, goodbye, I want to be with them, and I want to go back to my hometown to see!" Sauro squatted on the beach and said to little Robin with a face full of reluctance.

The surrounding residents are also saying goodbye, thanking the revolutionary army for taking care of them during this time.

"Look at them, they are all innocent islanders, and the most famous scholars in the world. Compared with pirates, what is wrong with them?"

Long pushed Kuzan out of the crowd, not forgetting to brainwash him before leaving.

Of course, the so-called brainwashing was also directed by Li Zhenwu.

If you want to stir up the whole world, the best way is to start from within the world government.

"They are unarmed, but they have the wisdom to destroy the world, and that's why we do justice."

Facing the dragon's questioning, Kuzan said with a gloomy face and gritted his teeth.

His eyes, without a trace, glanced at the back in front of him, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

Standing in front of the crowd, Li Zhenwu put his hands on his back and watched Yunshu Yunjuan with a leisurely look.

"Hmph, let me go, aren't you afraid that I will bring the navy to attack you in the future?"

When passing by Li Zhenwu, Kuzan raised the corner of his mouth and said coldly.

Hear this.

The sound of the beach suddenly became silent.

Immediately, everyone's eyes glared at Kuzan, and the anger in their eyes almost burst out.

They finally settled down, this damn navy, before escaping, was thinking about how to ruin other people's lives.

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly and looked at Bai Baihai, "Help me spread the word to Warring States, you don't need to come to me, I will find you later."

His tone was indifferent, as if he was telling a trivial matter, but that attitude didn't take it to heart at all.

Seeing this, Kuzan snorted coldly: "No one can break into the Navy Headquarters."

"Really?" Li Zhenwu snapped his fingers and said lightly, "Let's go, don't waste time."

As his words fell, the ships of the Revolutionary Army had been pushed into the Baibai Sea by Sauro.

When everyone got on the boat, Li Zhenwu waved his hand, and the fruit ability directly affected the boat.

"call out!"

Immediately, the stationary ship accelerated in an instant and swooped down toward the current.

"Li Zhenwu, let me go now, and one day, I will come back to you to settle the account."

Seeing that the ship was about to fall into the Baibai Sea, Kuzan turned his head and said solemnly.

"Good to go!"

In this regard, Li Zhenwu spoke lightly and was too lazy to pay attention.

Chapter [-] The Kingdom of God! (Second more)

After the revolutionary army left, the huge island of O'Hara also set off.

The residents and noble kings of the Bika Kingdom saw them off at the border. When O'Hara disappeared from their eyes, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally gone..."

The soldiers of the Pika Kingdom were stunned.

This time, for them, is really an unforgettable shame.

But now, it's finally gone.

"I hope they don't come back, it's better to stay in the kingdom of God." The old king muttered bitterly

The rest of the nobles and residents also let out a sigh of relief, as if the big stone in their hearts had finally been put down.

It is no exaggeration to say that during Li Zhenwu's stay, they felt that the country was not their own, and they were very aggrieved.

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