

The waves of the Baibaihai are monstrous, and the huge island ignores all resistance and runs fast.

Fruit ability is almost driven to the extreme.

Li Zhenwu was standing on the beach of the island, the sea breeze was howling, and his clothes were rustling.

"What, is there really any historical text there?"

At this moment, behind him, Olvia hugged Robin and asked with a shocked face.

Even other scholars looked surprised when they heard this sentence.

340 "How is it possible that the island in the sky is not connected to the blue ocean, why is there a historical text here?"

Dr. Clover is weird because it's about the ideas that made the text of history [-] years ago.

"Of course, if I remember correctly, what is recorded in the historical text is the document of the ancient weapon 'Sea King'." Li Zhenwu said lightly.

"Ancient weapons?"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

Isn't what the world government has been looking for the whereabouts of ancient weapons?

Unexpectedly, the sea king appeared in the empty island, no wonder no one has found it for so many years.

"That's great, I can finally see other historical texts."

Little Robin waved his hands happily.

On Oja, there are also historical texts that scholars have found from all over the world, which are sealed underground, in order to avoid the search of the world government.

It was not until the island flew into the sky that they dug it out again and studied it again.

It's just because there are too few documents, so I can only guess, but if you want to know the truth of the blank one hundred years, you need to continue to study other lost ones.

Of course, Li Zhenwu was not interested in these.

In this way, with the passage of time, O'Hara quickly slid over the vain.

Soon, at the end of the sky, a unique green color appeared.

"God, what is this?"

"Is this an empty island? Why are there islands of dirt in the sky?"

"It's a strange feeling, why is this happening?"

The inhabitants of the island were all shocked.

They looked in the direction of the other island, looked up, and dared not make any sound.

"call out!"

At this moment, a sharp whistling rose.

I saw Baibaihai in all directions, Yinruo came from countless black shadows, gradually encircling O'Hara.


Olvia woke up and exclaimed loudly.

However, these uninvited guests, walking on wind shells and wearing masks, are extremely fierce.

At a glance, there are as many as dozens of people.


The masked enemy, fearless, seriously injured the island, and quickly approached the residents of the town.

They were silent and powerful, with a natural sense of awe.

"Force Field!"

Li Zhenwu stood on the beach and raised his hand slightly.

When these masked people rushed to the beach, the invisible force field was released.

The next moment, the repulsion burst out.

All the masked people who rushed in were crowded out by a five-star power, and in the end, they seemed to be shot away helplessly.


Dozens of masked people fell into Baibaihai, causing countless splashes.

"Damn, let's go!"

One of them came to the surface and shouted loudly.

As his voice fell, the Baibaihai boiled, and thick bubbles emerged from the water.

And their figures, at this time, quickly fled.

Li Zhenwu carried his hands on his back, his eyes were deep, and he looked at these people lightly as they left, and did not mean to block.

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