When walking to the clouds above the vines, Li Zhenwu took the little Robin's hand, slowly vacated, and flew up directly from the side.

Above the clouds, a bell tower comparable to the size of a house, golden light, caught the eyes of the two of them.

"This is the golden bell of the legend of Shandora... Ah, that's the original text of history. Big brother really didn't lie to me."

Soon, little Robin was attracted by the stone below the golden clock.

Li Zhenwu was patient and waited silently beside him. This was his original promise.

Take little Robin to find all the original historical texts, and let everyone in the world know the blank [-]-year history.


The days on the empty island are leisurely and comfortable.

The residents of O'Hara and the Kingdom of God and Yunyin Village are running in orderly and steadily.

Scholars obviously had no interest in running the country, and it was Li Zhenwu who made Olvia its leader.

Of course, for her persistent study of history, Li Zhenwu finally agreed to let Robin inherit his will and continue to study.


Over the Baibaihai Sea, Li Zhenwu's body burst into pale electric light, flickering non-stop, and finally exploded with a bang.

The arc flashed and swept through the body.

"Failed again! Still can't fuse all the energies together."

Li Zhenwu shook his head and sighed helplessly.

With Saiyan blood, it is impossible to relax at all, even if there is no battle, he is constantly experimenting with new powers.

Because the curse was resolved, he was trying to gradually fuse the abilities of the Gravity Fruit and the Thunder Fruit.

"It's still a little short. The fusion of the two forces, the power of Zhenwu played a neutralizing role, but it still failed." Li Zhenwu frowned.

It has been tried countless times in a row, almost every time.

But in the end, they all failed.

This is very strange, only a little bit, as if something is missing, so that the two different forces reacted at the moment of final fusion.

Bang bang bang!

The sound of the wind-blown shell sounded, and little Robin drove a small Weiba at a high speed from a distance.

"Big brother, go back quickly, an old man is looking for you."

The person was still far away, and the crisp voice was transmitted, like a bead hitting a jade plate, which was very nice.

"Look for me, old man?"

Li Zhenwu stood up straight, performed the air dance technique, and flew straight over.

"Yes, I heard that they came from the great route. Hurry back and don't make the guests wait for a long time." Little Robin said with a smile.

Hearing this, Li Zhenwu was full of doubts.

He came from the great route, and he was an old man, so it was impossible to know anyone.

What puzzled him the most was, how did the comer fly up?

You know, the sky island only came to Roger a few years ago.

Li Zhenwu frowned, and the domineering and arrogant air was instantly released, and it quickly spread, completely shrouding the entire kingdom of God.

"What a powerful force, I'll see what tricks you play."

The next moment, he snorted coldly, and the coldness in his eyes flashed away.

Because from the induction of qi, he found that the person who came was extremely powerful, at least stronger than Kuzan and Sakaski.

But the breath is unfamiliar, never seen before.

"Haha, I want to come, Your Excellency, is the recently rising Emperor Zhenwu?"

At this moment, a thunderous laughter came from a distance.

With the sound of laughter, a golden figure, like lightning, flew over.

The golden figure stopped abruptly in front of Li Zhenwu, revealing Shiki, a golden lion with long golden hair, and the blade replaced by his feet, floating in front of Li Zhenwu.

"Golden Lion Shiki?"

Seeing the person coming, Li Zhen frowned.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a super pirate with the same name as Roger and Whitebeard.

"Emperor Zhenwu, as expected of the person I like, must be very powerful?"

The Golden Lion Shiji looked at Li Zhenwu with fiery eyes, and became more and more satisfied.

The abilities are similar, they all have the ability to make objects float, they know how to fly, and they seem to have good strength.

Li Zhenwu raised his eyebrows slightly, and seemed to understand a little, and immediately said lightly: "Unfortunately, you are too weak and old, and there is very little room for growth, and you can't even get into my eyes."

His eyes are so vicious, and in one sentence, he tells the state of the golden lion Shiki.

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