"Young people can understand that they are arrogant and arrogant, but if they are too arrogant and can't see the situation clearly, it will be difficult to grow up."

The golden lion suddenly grinned, and that smile looked a little gloomy.

Tone, a little more provocative!

Chapter [-] Gravity vs Fluttering! (Second more)

Luo Bing, who was riding a small Weiba, widened his eyes and glanced between the two of them, as if he didn't understand, why the quarrel was so good.

"Little Robin, let's go back!" Li Zhenwu ignored the golden lion and turned to Robin with a gentle smile.


Little Robin's face was dull, thinking about ignoring this old man?

However, Li Zhenwu really didn't intend to pay attention to it, raised his hand and waved, hugged little Robin directly, and flew straight towards O'Hara Island.

The small Weiba slowly lifted into the air and followed behind them, leaving a handsome back.

Floating on the white and white sea, the golden lion's face was extremely gloomy. One of his seniors came here in person, and it was already enough face.

But Li Zhenwu not only did not have a good face, but also ignored him directly.

For a strong man like him, it was simply the greatest shame in his life.

"I've come all the way, do you think I'm just here as a guest?" The golden lion touched the golden beard on his chin, grinned and laughed: "No one can refuse my invitation, Roger back then can't, you Zhenwu Emperor Not even."

As he spoke, his whole body turned into a gilded light, chasing in the direction of Li Zhenwu.

At this time, Li Zhenwu was holding Xiao Luobing and had just returned to O'Hara.

"Let everyone come back, there are some things that need to be dealt with." After handing Xiao Luobing to Olvia, Li Zhenwu said lightly.

"Could it be the old man who came just now?" Olvia nodded and guessed it in an instant.

"Yes, after dealing with this matter, I am ready to go to sea."

After speaking, Li Zhenwu raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and turned around immediately.


The next moment, the whole person turned into a lightning bolt and disappeared from the place.

Outside O'Hara Island, on the White White Sea.


The blue arcs appeared out of thin air, more and more, and finally condensed the figure of Li Zhenwu.

"I know what you're thinking, it's nothing more than wanting to join forces with me and dominate the world, right?"

Looking at the golden light coming at an extremely high speed, Li Zhenwu asked calmly with his hands on his back.


The golden light stopped, the golden lion fluttered with blond hair, and his expression was extremely cold.

"No, I've changed my mind now, either join me in obedience or die for me."

After being greatly insulted by Li Zhenwu, how could he just let it go?

As the super pirate of this era, he is one of the few powerhouses in the whole world, and he has absolute pride.

The strong cannot be humiliated!

"I also said that your strength is too low, you are too old, and there is almost no room for growth." Li Zhenwu said lightly with his hands on his back.

"Gaga, this is the first time someone said this to me. I don't know how strong you are, how can you be so strong?" The golden lion fluttered with blond hair, like a raging lion, exuding a dangerous aura.

Seemingly unable to feel the aura of the golden lion, Li Zhenwu continued: "I was imprisoned by the navy and gave up both legs. It seems powerful, but in fact it is extremely cowardly."

"If you are strong, why are you captured? In my eyes, you are just a relatively strong ant."

As Li Zhenwu's voice fell, Bai Baihai swelled, and the surrounding clouds seemed to be clenched together by an invisible big hand.


A powerful aura burst out from the two of them.

Behind the golden lion Shiji, countless floating clouds condensed to form a huge lion head on a hill, with fluffy temples and majestic power.

"I see, you're just kidding me, right?" He laughed loudly, the rudder above his head swaying constantly, as if he didn't care.

However, when his laughter sounded instantly.


The air flow on the empty island was abnormal, and countless flowing clouds gathered behind the golden lion from all directions.

This shocking picture made O'Hara and Gaya Island in the distance shake slightly.

"Is the ability of fluttering fruit?"

Li Zhenwu said lightly: "Give me a break!"

As his voice fell, the flowing cloud behind the golden lion collapsed with a bang.

The huge lion's head on the hill was shattered and turned into a cloud again, sweeping away in all directions.

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