The fist containing the destruction thunder, rumbling down, wrapped in the power of destroying the world, as majestic as the sea.

"No... how is it possible, the dual fruit ability, absolutely impossible!"

The golden lion screamed, his eyes full of horror, watching Li Zhenwu's powerful attack, and suddenly the two famous swords on his feet greeted him.

Sword Qi whistled, stirring the surrounding airflow, making a shrill cry.


The two collided, and a dazzling light erupted.

The mighty force bombarded the blade, Li Zhenwu's right hand shook, and the lightning around his arm poured down like flowing water.

Between the electric light and flint, the current flowed along the blade of the sword and poured into the body of the golden lion in an instant.


The golden lion was surrounded by thunder and lightning, was shaken and flew out, hit the Baibaihai, penetrated directly through the seabed, and fell into the Baihai below.


The smell of burning came from his body, the golden lion was tattered all over, his golden hair was pitch black, and he looked miserable.

"No, how could it be a double fruit ability."

Until this time, the golden lion was floating in the air, his face full of disbelief, and he muttered to himself.

This upended his worldview beyond imagination.

"Nothing is impossible, I do have the ability to double fruit." Li Zhenwu carried his hands on his back and slowly fell from the torn white sea.

His green robe swayed in the wind, his hair fluttered, his temperament was dusty, mysterious and powerful.

Just standing there, without a strong aura, still made the Golden Lion feel an unprecedented danger.

"It's no wonder that you are so arrogant that you don't take everyone into account. You are indeed the Great Emperor of Zhenwu. You have the ability to double fruit. Although I don't know how you do it, it is undeniable that it is indeed the only existence in history."

The golden lion sat cross-legged in the void, his eyes returned to calm, suppressing the violent fluctuations in his heart, and glanced at Li Zhenwu lightly.

"So, it is your honor to die at my hands."

Facing the attitude of the golden lion, Li Zhenwu was indifferent and spoke lightly.

From the very beginning, the killing intent was exuded to him, and there was no other choice.

Hearing this, Golden Lion was stunned for a moment, looked up at him, and pleaded, "What if I don't want to die? If I haven't dominated the world, how could I die here in obscurity."

"not my business!"

Li Zhenwu spoke lightly, walked calmly, stepped on the void, and walked towards the golden lion step by step.

Stepping on the air, the surrounding space will vibrate, and in the end, the entire White Sea riots.

"Gaga, although you can kill me, you have to pay a heavy price."

Seeing Li Zhenwu getting closer, the golden lion suddenly grinned, showing a penetrating smile, like the king of beasts who fought back before he died.


As his voice fell, the area of ​​the empty island, the Baihai and the Baibaihai above, all floated up.

Not only that, all the material things that you can see slowly rise up.

"You dare to shoot at O'Hara?"

At this moment, a cold light flashed in Li Zhenwu's eyes, and his face was extremely cold.

"Gaga, I'm going to die, why dare not?" The golden lion laughed.

Just now he came from O'Hara, and he had already left his hands and feet.

At this moment, the ability is activated, and the entire island, including Gaya Island and Angel Island, continues to rise and enter signs of disintegration.

Countless tree soils suddenly lost their gravity and floated from the ground.

If it is not stopped in time, when the foundation of the island loses its stability, it will disintegrate in the air and become countless mud flowing down to Qinghai below.

"Then I'll kill you first!" Li Zhenwu's eyes lit up with killing intent, his body shook, and electric arcs flashed all over his body.

His right hand clenched into a fist, and countless arcs flickered, emitting a pale light, and a circle of ripples spread with the fist as the center.


The next moment, the fist fused with gravity and thunder and lightning slammed out.

Where the fist passes, the space oscillates, emitting ripples that spread in all directions.

"Lionwei Sakura Ten, dead wood."

It was at this moment that the golden lion's face was ferocious, and it suddenly became violent, and the whole person flew backwards quickly.

During this process, two silver streamers burst out from under him, turned into awe-inspiring meteors, and greeted him.

But he himself, without hesitation, instantly sank into the White Sea and fled towards Qinghai below.


The domineering fist intent broke through the obstacles of space and directly bombarded the two famous swords.

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