At the time of life and death, the golden lion gave up the prosthetic sword that replaced his feet in exchange for time to escape.

Chapter [-] Can You Escape? (Fourth)

The golden lion was very decisive, nothing was more important than his life, and disappeared into the white sea in the blink of an eye.

At the price of Sakura Ten and Deadwood, in exchange for his chance to escape.

That is, he can do it.


When the fist, which was wrapped in gravity and lightning, collided with the two famous swords.

There was no thunderous noise, no storm-like aftermath, and no dazzling light.

The entire White Sea is very calm.


In the end, the blade shattered, and a thud fell on the White Sea.

The power of Li Zhenwu's right fist also disappeared in an instant, and he returned to calm.

"Be ruthless, be ruthless to yourself, _ be ruthless to the enemy."

Looking down at Bai Hai, Li Zhenwu's eyes flashed, and he had to admire the fierce and decisive character of the golden lion.

If it was someone else, either run away or fight to the death.

But the golden lion gave up the famous sword that accompanies his life, just for his own survival.

"But trying to escape in my hands? It's just whimsical!"

Li Zhenwu grinned, killing intent filled his body.

But instead of chasing after him immediately, he turned around and walked away, disappearing from the spot.

Over O'Hara.

The tree in the sky was suspended, losing its weight, as light as cotton.

The soil separates from the ground and slowly rises into the sky, with no end and no end.


The air shook, Li Zhenwu appeared high in the sky, and glanced at the surroundings lightly.

If it is half a step later, the kingdom of God will suffer heavy losses.


Immediately, Li Zhenwu stomped his feet in the void, and an invisible force burst out from his body.


That power was mighty and mighty, and when it appeared, it enveloped all directions, and the entire kingdom of God was within its reach.

The inhabitants of the country were all horrified at the moment, looking at the sky and the surrounding changes, their faces were full of despair.

"How could this be, we have just lived a quiet life for a few days."

"Is this God punishing us?"

"Master Zhenwu will definitely save us."

Many people have seen that if the mutation continues, the entire country will disintegrate.

When Soil Island and Angel Island disintegrated, the only thing that greeted them was falling into Qinghai and accepting death.

Many children were crying, and an atmosphere of despair enveloped everyone.

At this moment.

A majestic voice came from above the island, clearly entering their minds.

"It's Lord Zhenwu."

"Big brother, he must have a way."

"Emperor Zhenwu, but someone who touches the realm of God."

All the inhabitants of the Kingdom of God raised their heads and looked at the figure floating in the sky, their eyes filled with fanaticism.

You know, all this time.

When something that they can't solve happens in the Kingdom of God, it is almost always solved by Li Zhenwu.

In that wave of hands, the means of turning the clouds over the rain has penetrated into everyone's hearts.

This time, they were not disappointed.


When Li Zhenwu's voice fell.

A hopeless anomaly, trees and soil slowly descend from the sky.

Then, in the surprised eyes of everyone, calm was restored, as if nothing had happened.

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