"Just because he angered that boy, he was killed."

The navy soldier's eyes were complicated. Looking at the figure below the fortress, he actually felt aggrieved, and felt as aggrieved as the golden lion.

It's close in front of you, but you can't make a shot. This is the feeling of the navy.

"He's dead, you still haven't left?" Garp sullenly, his fists clucked.


Hearing this, Li Zhenwu's eyes flashed, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He slowly raised his head, his face was extremely cold, but when he saw a figure on the fortress, he was suddenly stunned.

"Peach Rabbit?"

Behind Garp and Sengoku, several lieutenant generals were standing, and one of them was a tall and handsome figure, Peach Rabbit, whom he had not seen for a long time.

Not only that, but beside Taotu, there was a girl with long pink hair and a cold face. After seeing Li Zhenwu, it became a little more complicated.


This time, Li Zhenwu was completely stunned.

Unexpectedly, both of them are in the naval headquarters at the moment, and they have even been called out, always ready to fight.

"Haha, that's it for today, I won't be merciful next time we meet again."

Suddenly, Li Zhenwu screamed in the sky, his body vacated, he rose to the height of the fortress, and looked at them.

"If there is a next time, I will not keep my hands." Karp snorted coldly, fighting each other.

If it wasn't for the fear that the headquarters would be destroyed, he and the Warring States Period would have taken action long ago.

"Now is not the time to start a war with you!" Warring States said in a deep voice.

At this moment in the era of great navigation, if the naval headquarters is destroyed, the whole world will fall into a state of chaos.

This result is not what they want.

"But it won't be long!" Li Zhenwu added.

It is not his intention to let the whole world fall into chaos and be ravaged by pirates.

I happened to see Taotu and the two of them, so they pushed the boat and left first.

Without leaving a trace, looking at the two figures, both saw the hope in their eyes.

"Ha ha!"

The laughter resounded through the sky.

Li Zhenwu turned around, turned his back to the fortress, suddenly raised his right hand and clenched it into a fist.

"Although I don't want to make a move, I will always give you some gifts."

As the voice fell, the heavy clouds in the sky suddenly flickered brightly, and countless lightnings formed in the clouds in an instant.


The arc appeared out of thin air, lingering around the palm of the hand, strange and inexplicable.

When they saw this scene, the whole navy headquarters felt as if they were all caught in a [-]-magnitude earthquake, and their minds went blank in an instant.

Chapter [-] The Faith of Justice

"What is he going to do?"

"Are you using some weird trick?"

"Why, I feel that his actions now seem to be using the fruit ability?"

The figure standing in the sky, the strange behavior, shocked the navy up and down.

Even if the death of the golden lion is not as big as the impact at this moment.

"This bastard, is it a double fruit ability?" Taotu pursed her red lips, and her pretty face was full of shock.

"Big brother is amazing, he exudes the power of devil fruit." Tina held her jade finger, her eyes full of admiration.

Not only that, the second-tier lieutenant generals, Kuzan and the others, looked very ugly at the moment.

"How is it possible, it's too incredible, right?" Warring States' face was gloomy, like dark clouds, and there was no trace of anger.


Garp was sluggish in place, all his strength seemed to be drained.

That volleyed figure, lingering around the arc, crackling, blue as the sea, blooming with a dreamlike beauty like fireworks.


The arcs on Li Zhenwu's right hand gathered more and more, covering his arms with a faint blue luster, as if the lines were densely covered.

"This move is my gift!"

As the voice fell, he galloped back, flew out of a kilometer, turned sharply, and hit the void with a punch.


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