The thunder and lightning that swirled around the arm were like water currents, detached from the arm in an instant, and turned into a huge ferocious bird, flapping its wings and flying high, covering the sky and the sun.

The ominous bird is incomparably huge, and its body is filled with electric arcs. During the flight, countless lightnings fell from the sky, merged into its body, and turned into a larger thunder and lightning ominous bird.

In just a moment, it reached a huge size of hundreds of meters, and its wings spread out, as if covering the sky and the sun, whistling past.

"Presumptuous, this is the highest power center building of this headquarters, and his goal is behind us."

Thunderbirds flashing blue electric arcs roared past the fortress, as if thunderous, the majestic coercion was shocking.

Sengoku was the first to react and couldn't help roaring, his eyes spitting fire.

"Li Zhenwu, are you going to start a war with our navy now?" He didn't expect that Li Zhenwu would dare to take action at this time.

You know, what you said just now is good, and suddenly regretting it at this moment makes people anxious and angry.

"Ice Age!"

Standing on the fortress, Kuzan, who had been silent for a while, suddenly jumped up, popping a few cold air bombs.

However, the air-conditioning bomb hit the Thunderbird, as if the mud entered the sea and disappeared without a trace.

"This thunderbird is too huge to be shaken." Standing in the fortress again, Kuzan said with a gloomy expression.

"Slash!" The flying squirrel drew his sword, and the sharp sword energy rose into the sky.

Not only that, Taotu and the other lieutenant generals, all shot, want to stop Thunderbird's trajectory.

However, the huge thunderbirds were like an ocean, and all the attacks hit without any waves.

"It won't let you succeed!"

Warring States roared, his body suddenly soared, and in an instant, it turned into a giant Buddha statue that stood above the sky, and the golden luster circulated throughout his body.

Animal fruit, phantom beast species, human fruit - the form of the Buddha!

"The Great Buddha Shockwave!" The Warring States Treasure was solemn, the cloak swayed behind him, and a brilliant golden light circulated all over his body, as if cast from gold, majestic.


The dazzling golden laser was shot from the huge palm, and it was extremely awe-inspiring, and the wind swept all around.

"Good boy, you dare to contaminate the belief of our navy, please forgive me."

Garp exuded a fierce aura, his fists covered domineering, and when the sun hit the sky, he hit the thunderbird in the sky with one punch.

The fist is soaring into the sky, wrapped in the power of thunder, dashing away the airflow, and submerging into the huge thunderbird of several hundred meters.

The two highest combat powers of the navy shot, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the clouds in the sky suddenly dispersed, revealing the blue sky.


The flying thunderbird, after being attacked by the two of them, shattered its wings and turned into countless arcs that swept all around, as beautiful as fireworks.

"Haha, repulsion!"

Seeing this scene, Li Zhenwu laughed loudly, stretched out his hand towards the void, invisible power burst out from his fingertips, and blessed Thunderbird's body.

In the next moment, a powerful force, like an invisible big hand, pushed Thunderbird's broken body and slammed into the wall of a tall building...


A loud bang erupted, and the ocean-like thunder shattered, turning into countless dazzling arcs, flickering non-stop.

The huge building walls, dust falling, charred black, filled with smoke.

"Hahaha, goodbye!"

Seeing this, Li Zhenwu knew that he had succeeded, so he stopped staying immediately, and with a long whistle, the whole person turned into a stream of light and flew towards the end of the sea.

On the fortress of the naval headquarters, it was dead silent.

Everyone was quiet, their faces were extremely ugly, and there were soldiers with fragile minds who had already covered their faces and cried out.

"I must kill him, it's a devil."

"Yes, one day, I will personally arrest him and throw him into the deep sea prison."

Many soldiers solemnly swore, looking at the huge building walls, showing a trace of sadness.

"Emperor Zhenwu..." Kuzan's face was gloomy, and he lowered his head slightly, unable to see what he looked like at the moment.

Even Garp and Sengoku in the first echelon raised their heads with unprecedented dignified eyes.

I saw that on the walls of the huge building, after the ravages of thunder and lightning, the original navy logo pattern had changed beyond recognition.

The word 'justice' is very eye-catching, but the fonts have arcs flowing, and they are scorched black like ink. 3.4

"All on alert, the navy has officially entered a state of war."

After a while, Sengoku slammed his cloak, turned and strode away.

The era of chaos has come, the navy can no longer maintain the balance of the sea, and the whole world will fall into unprecedented turmoil.

"Double fruit ability, touch the monsters in the realm of God, I don't know how to bring the world there."

Garp muttered to himself, his face darkened, he also turned away and walked towards the huge building.

The rest of the lieutenant generals were silent, and the shock in their hearts did not retreat for a long time.

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