On this day, the arrival of Li Zhenwu made the navy see an irresistible force.

As the news spread, the sea boiled, and the whole world also boiled.

Chapter [-] Unlimited bounty! (Second more)


Holy Mary, the highest power center in the world.

"That's the way it is. If I don't stop it in time, I can't imagine what the future world will be like."

Cyborg Sora stood tall and straight, wearing the coat of justice.

In front of him, the five spirited old men had different expressions after hearing his report.

But without exception, they were extremely apprehensive about the Zhenwu Emperor that Gang Gukong said.

"Is it the realm of the gods? That's a taboo that humans can't touch. How did he do it?"

His speech broke the long silence in the room.

Wearing a dark green suit, the old man with a bald head and a mustache said solemnly: "The ability to double fruit has never appeared in history, and he has the power to destroy the world, which is difficult for us to shake."

"Yes, O'Hara's scholars have been acquired by him, and their own strength is faintly touching the realm of God. I am afraid that they will fight against us in the near future." The white straight long-haired old man added.

"The war has begun!"

The old man wearing a white Taoist robe gently wiped the famous knife in his hand and spoke indifferently.

"The moment he appeared, he has already started a war with us!" Gang Gukong's expression was heavy, and his eyes were extremely solemn.

Hearing his words, the room became quiet, and the five old stars were thinking about each other.

Gang Gukong continued: "The amount of the reward, no matter how much, is useless, that is a rather dangerous person."

"Then what can you do?" the old man in the black flat hat asked.

"Let the whole world be his enemy, so that he is safe."

The powerful words came from Marshal Kong's lips, containing unprecedented solemnity.

"Faced with the advent of the era of great seafaring, the power of the navy has become difficult to maintain the balance of the sea. All forces are constantly rising. Only by making him an enemy all over the world can we be more relaxed."

"If this can't defeat him, then the world government will face the crisis of being subverted."

As the voice fell, it fell silent again, and the atmosphere was very depressed.

I do not know how long it has been……


The indifferent voice is full of powerful murderous intent.


On this day, a brand new newspaper, printed with explosive content, was carried by seagulls and spread all over the world.

"The captain of the Flying Pirates, Golden Lion Shiki, died under the fortress of the Navy Headquarters."

When seeing the contents of the newspaper, countless pirates and powerhouses gasped.

"Who killed the golden lion? There is no label in the newspaper. I don't know if it was Warring States or Karp."

"Died in the fortress of the navy headquarters, except for the two of them, there are only a few other lieutenant generals, who may have this strength."

"Roger was captured before being executed, and finally broke his legs and escaped. He was already incognito, why did he appear in the Navy Headquarters?"

At this time, many people noticed that the core content of the newspaper suddenly appeared.

Why did the golden lion appear in the naval headquarters for no reason?

This doesn't make sense.

However, it didn't take long for another bounty list to be printed overnight, and it was urgently disseminated all over the world.

"The person offering the reward: Emperor Zhenwu, kill Jack of Drought, Zhan Zefa, destroy the Navy Demon Slayer Order by one person, chase down the Golden Lion, break into the Navy Headquarters, and leave calmly!"

"The content of the reward, regardless of life or death, the scope of the world government's ability to reward, any condition."

After learning this news, the whole world was in an uproar, and countless pirates and bounty hunters, all parties were sharpening their knives.

There are also strong people who are extremely cautious, keep a low profile, and wait for the development of the situation.

Chambord Islands, area [-], rip-off bar.

Rayleigh looked at the newspaper in his hand, shocked beyond measure: "We all underestimated his potential. If I didn't guess wrong, he has already touched the realm of God."

Shocked voices echoed in the bar.

"Really, the golden lion is no longer in its heyday, and the fact that Emperor Zhenwu can kill him is not enough to show anything." Xia Qi breathed out a smoke ring and spoke lightly.

In all parts of the world, there are actually many people who have the same idea as Xia Qi.

It is precisely because of this that the forces of all parties are bound to find Li Zhenwu, no matter if they are captured or killed.

Rayleigh smiled lightly, "It seems that in the near future, I will go to sea."

The only bounty content in history, the world government meets a condition within its ability, which is definitely more attractive than billions of baileys.

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