There were two little girls on the boat, and they didn't seem so deserted.

Three days later, Li Zhenwu used powerful force to let this desert country not resist at all and took away a piece of historical text.

Huge stones were placed on the deck at will.

"There is only the information of Hades recorded here, but there are no design drawings. It seems that the original manufacturer separated them."

Little Robin read the text on the stone and said seriously.

Hearing this, Li Zhenwu sneered in his heart. Of course, he had seen the design drawings, and he still stayed with Tom.

However, he would not tell Robin that she had to rely on herself to find it.

"I can only act as a guide, um, with the duties of a bodyguard."

Sitting cross-legged on the grass on the deck, Li Zhenwu smiled lightly and did not disturb little Robin's research.

The two little girls, one a Tianlong person and the other a historian, were very curious.

Li Zhenwu, on the other hand, just watched quietly.

"The strength has recovered by [-]%, and it's still a little short, and it will reach [-]%. It won't take long for the system to wake up."

After eating two kinds of fruit abilities, although the power of true martial arts does not necessarily increase much, the two kinds of fruit abilities are still counted as part of the strength improvement.

This time to go to sea, in addition to helping little Robin to find historical texts, he also wants to fight more powerhouses.

"The world government, wait, you won't be asked to wait too long. When the forces of the revolutionary army become stronger, it's time to settle accounts with you."

Li Zhenwu's eyes flashed, and the corner of his mouth raised a sneer.

In fact, with his current strength, if he breaks through to the Super Saiyan state, he will be able to sweep the entire world.

However, until there is no suitable replacement, the world government cannot be shot.

Because in this way, the world will be plunged into chaotic turmoil, which is not what he wants to see.

blu blu!

While in a trance, the phone worm to contact the revolutionary army rang.

"Mr. Li!" Picking up the phone, Long Gongjing said with a frenzied voice.

"Oh, so you have time to contact me, it seems that your progress is going well!" Li Zhenwu did not forget to tease.

"Thanks to Mr. Li's philosophy, when the tyranny is overthrown, with our current ability, within half a month, everything in the kingdom can be stabilized."

"Not only that, because the people of the country have the right to drive, they cannot do it if the government wants to interfere."

With joy in his tone, Long couldn't hide the surprise in his heart.

Unexpectedly, the original ideal was only to want the world to be more stable, but because of the appearance of Li Zhenwu, their ideal has been infinitely expanded.

In other words, the power of the revolutionary army developed faster than expected.

In just two years, three countries have been won.

This has never been imagined before.

"Really? Then congratulations, keep working hard, you will achieve your ideal one day." Li Zhenwu said with a light smile.

(Three shifts today!)

Chapter [-] Improvement of Miracle

The role of the revolutionary army, in Li Zhenwu's view, is only a substitute for the world government.

After all, at the last moment of the war, if there is no huge force to fight the fire, the whole world will fall into endless chaos.

He felt that it seemed unnecessary to cause chaos in the world in order to blow up the world government.

But if you wait indefinitely, it would be a waste of time, and you can only push the history of this world faster.

"Mr. Li, without the gold on the empty island, our revolutionary army would not have been able to do it in such a short time."

Inside the phone bug, Long was infinitely grateful and very excited.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you survive the shortage of funds in the early stage and absorb enough sites later, you can continue to deliver all the materials for you."

"That's it. If we can occupy one of the four seas, then we can truly have the strength to fight against the world government."

"Then solve the East China Sea first. If there is anything that can't be solved, come and tell me!"

After hanging up the phone bug, Li Zhenwu shook his head and smiled.

Although I have been paying attention to the movements of the revolutionary army, I almost only give some suggestions and will not help.

If he had to do everything himself, there would be no need for the revolutionary army to exist.

"Big brother, where shall we go now?"

At this time, little Robin came over and asked curiously.

The Miracle sailed the sea, and after leaving Alabasta, it never docked on any island, which made the little girl puzzled.

Li Zhenwu flicked his fingers and grinned: "The capital of water, then stop by the Judiciary Island."

At the end, his tone turned slightly cold, exuding an irresistible killing intent.

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