"Young master is going to Judicial Island? That is a subordinate organization of the World Government. This move is undoubtedly a signal to declare war." Xia Luliya Palace has abandoned the identity of Tianlong people, and there are some complaints about the World Government.

After all, she had been held captive for so long. In order not to let the outside world know, the government did not even negotiate with Li Zhenwu.

It is conceivable that their family was obviously abandoned by the world government.

"Going to war? They wouldn't dare to go to war with me until the government has a sure-fire plan." Li Zhenwu was extremely confident. In the era of the Great Pirates, the naval power was gradually weakening. At this time, any turmoil would make them unbearable.

In this way, the Miracle galloped on the calm sea, passed the Chambord Islands, and arrived at the Water Capital a few days later.

Junkyard by the coast, Tom's Studio Shipyard.

"Dangdang, the boat I built was given to an amazing person."

After seeing Li Zhenwu, Tom's seemingly bloated body rushed out quickly, like an arrow, and with a swoosh, he disappeared in place.


Feeling the gust of wind whistling beside him, Li Zhenwu turned his head to look, and he could no longer see Tom's back behind him.

"Mr. Tom is cheating, he must have gone to see the Super Miracle, that's everyone." French leaped out of the built sea train, very vigorous.

When he saw Little Robin and Xaluria Palace, he was stunned for a moment, and then greeted politely.

The next moment, it seemed to fly away.

Bingshan's long hair fluttered and his stern face showed a gentle smile that he thought was his own when he saw Li Zhenwu and little Robin.

Immediately after taking a few steps, he caught up with French, and the two of them made a fuss and disappeared into the street.


In place, the three of Li Zhenwu were left with sluggish faces.

Li Zhenwu is okay, he knows a little bit about Tom's three masters and apprentices.

But the little Robin and the two girls from Xaluliya Palace were really messed up in the wind.

After half an hour...

"Rangdang, I'm so sorry, I couldn't hold back the restlessness in my heart for a while, and left all the guests here."

Carrying the two of them in both hands, Tom walked fast from the end of the street.

"It's okay, I'm here just to improve the Miracle." Without any nonsense, Li Zhenwu said straight.

The voice fell, and both French and Bingshan's eyes lit up.

In their minds, the Miracle is considered a fully-equipped moving castle at sea, and there is almost no room for improvement.

If you insist on entering, it is from the core.

"Let me see the design first." Tom didn't answer right away.

"I think you also saw it in the cabin of the Miracle, there is a lot of gold, and all the strange shells, I want to make this ship fly."

As Li Zhenwu's voice fell, it exploded in everyone's brains like thunder.


Little Robin and Xia Lulia Palace covered their rosy mouths, their eyes full of incredible.

"Hey, hey, Brother Zhenwu, are you sure the ship can really fly?" Frankie was shocked, without the slightest doubt, just wanted to confirm.

Li Zhenwu nodded, yes, I didn't have enough ability at the time, so it was a little difficult, but now, it's not a problem.

The Thunder Fruit can provide a steady stream of abilities, and it has a huge advantage over the firepower system.

"Let me see the blueprint, don't tell me, that's the king of ancient weapons?" Tom smiled wryly, feeling extremely uneasy in his heart.

"Don't worry, it's just a blueprint that I found by accident. After I modified it, part of it has been deleted."

Li Zhenwu smiled faintly, the original Ark, during the flight, would continuously emerge thunderclouds, so wherever it passed, the attack range of the thunder fruit was ringing.

That is to say, the original ark was manufactured, and it was indeed used to destroy the world, as the original Anilu said.

"My God, how can this be done? It's really amazing. This design is similar to Hades, but it doesn't have a weapon system."

After taking the blueprint, Tom's eyes widened, his face full of excitement.

For the world's number one boatmaker, there is nothing more exciting than building a boat like never before.

"Can it be built in ten days?" Li Zhenwu asked lightly with a twinkle in his eyes.


"Then help me take care of the two little girls. I have some things to deal with. I will be back in ten days."

Leaving this sentence, Li Zhenwu turned around without any hesitation and walked away calmly.

Chapter [-] Coming to Judicial Island (Second)

This is not a temporary decision, but it was discussed with Robin and the two.

When he learned about it, Robin was definitely not willing, his attitude was very firm, and he must follow Li Zhenwu.

Even the Xia Luliya Palace was silent, but she pursed her lips, similar to Robin.

"The reason why O'Hara has come to this day is largely related to the World Government, and the Judiciary Island, a subsidiary of the World Government, has contributed to it."

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