The prepared cannonball was destroyed in an instant, and the soldiers with a radius of [-] meters were charred black and fell to the ground with a bang.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!!"

A soldier reacted and shouted immediately, and the surrounding soldiers immediately launched an attack.

Countless shells and firearms were sprayed out as if they didn't need money.


However, those bullets and shells were half a meter away from Li Zhenwu.

An invisible stance emanated, suspending all bullets and shells in the air.

This picture made the soldiers guarding the front gate scream in surprise.

"Those who can……"

As the voice fell, the soldiers' eyes were horrified. They saw a terrifying scene, and their faces were full of despair.


I saw the bullets and artillery shells that were fired suddenly shot towards them, and the speed was so fast that they could not even dodge.


In an instant, the sound of explosions sounded continuously, and the sea of ​​​​fire drowned all the soldiers at the front gate.

A loud noise erupted, resounding through the sky, echoing over the early Judiciary Island.

The people on the Judiciary Island heard it clearly, and they couldn't help being shocked.

"Someone attacked Judicial Island!"

In an instant, this absurd thought arose in everyone's heart.

Followed by, is the sound of the siren resounding throughout the Judiciary Island.

It was leisurely and long, full of slaughter, which made the atmosphere on the island fall into a state of war.

Chapter [-] Sweep! (third more)


Li Zhenwu carried his hands on his back and looked leisurely, like a tourist, calmly entering from the main entrance of Judicial Island.

However, wherever he passed, the gravity greatly increased, and the thunder rages, killing all the guards that approached.

"Can't let him in, kill him!"

A guard raised his saber, jumped up, and slashed towards Li Zhenwu's head.

The bright knife light, like a stream of water, came from top to bottom, whistling.

"Dry tongue!"

Li Zhenwu didn't blink his eyes, he still stepped forward and walked forward.


Hundred times of gravity, blessing the guard who jumped up, fell to the ground in an instant, smashing a human-shaped deep pit.

Red, white, splashed together, filled with a stench.

This scene is horrifying and shocks the guards who are surrounded.

"Why is the most dangerous criminal in the world here?"

Looking at Li Zhenwu's delicate cheeks, no one thought about a person who should not have appeared.

But suddenly appeared here, and no nonsense, using bloody means to kill those who blocked the way.

"Demon, he is a demon."

Someone shouted, collapsed and fled, unable to bear the tragic scene in front of him.

At the moment, only half of the ten thousand elite guards are left, most of them are still injured, and are struck by lightning from the sky from time to time.

Beside the young man who stepped forward, there was a sea of ​​blood and corpses piled up with the corpses of his companions.

Some were smashed to the ground, and there were no bones left, which was really terrifying.

The whole way was unobstructed, and soon he passed through the long and narrow aisle and came to the front of the first door.

At this moment, two giants as tall as hills clenched the weapons in their hands, trembling all over.

"Devil fruit ability person, or nature department, how can we beat him?"

Among them, the Cassie giant, his voice trembled, his legs were weak, and he almost knelt down.

Oymo is relatively better, his nose is left, and his eyeballs are about to fall out.

"Are you going to stop me?"

Coming to the front of the gate, Li Zhenwu raised his head, stared at the two giants indifferently, and his tone was very indifferent.

Hearing this, the two giants couldn't help but take a half step back, and they no longer had the will to fight.

The surrounding guards looked desperate, looking at the extremely powerful Li Zhenwu, they did not dare to take action, but they did not dare to leave.

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