"Since there is no determination to fight, let's get out of the way!"

Seeing this scene, Li Zhenwu nodded, and immediately ignored the two of them, strode again, and walked towards the tall stone gate.

When he came to the center of the two giants, Casey took a deep breath and looked at Oymo, both seeing the determination in the eyes of his companions.

"I even promised to guard this place, so I won't let you step further."

Cassie suddenly burst out, swung a huge weapon, and swept towards Li Zhenwu.

Seeing this, Oymo, who was next to him, shot out brazenly, and the weapon in his hand smashed down in a whistling.

The two suddenly shot, so that the surrounding guards did not expect that Li Zhenwu had come to the middle of the two at this moment, and in the blink of an eye, the weapon could hit him.

"Can it be successful?"

"If it hits, it will definitely end this war."

"Definitely, they are giants!"

Countless pairs of eyes fell on Li Zhenwu with infinite hope.

However, everyone was disappointed.


Li Zhenwu just raised his head, looked at the weapon in front of him, and frowned.

As his movements fell, the force field covering the upper and lower sides suddenly became messy.


The force field was messy and irregular, so the trajectory of the two giant weapons dropped suddenly changed halfway, rubbing against Li Zhenwu's body and smashing to the ground.


The ground shook, and the powerful weapon smashed two big holes into the ground.


Seeing this scene, the surrounding navy soldiers and guards widened their eyes with disbelief.I

Was it resolved like that?

In an instant, despair surged in everyone's heart.

Li Zhenwu's eyes were indifferent, staring at the two giants, he pondered for a while, and said, "Your offense should have been made up for with life, but since we are of the same clan as Sauluo, I will teach you a lesson!"

As his voice fell, the majestic gravity blessed them...


Casey's face changed suddenly, and his body bent, as if he was carrying an island, so that his waist could not be straightened.

The same is true for Oymo next to him. The invisible gravity is supported on his body.


After only holding on for half a second, the two giants could no longer bear it, their knees softened, and they fell to their knees with a bang.

His knees hit the floor, smashing the concrete slab into a deep hole.

"It's so abominable, it made us kneel." Casey and Oymo were furious, staring at Li Zhenwu's eyes, which contained monstrous hatred.

They are giants with a long life, not to mention that they are much nobler than human beings in nature.

But now, the young man in front of him actually made them kneel?

This is a naked insult!


Feeling the anger of the two, Li Zhenwu smiled lightly and flicked his fingers.

"If you want us to yield, just fight with us in an upright manner, instead of humiliating us with the power of fruit."

The two shouted at the same time, full of unwillingness.

You know, the giants have an absolute advantage in individual battles.

In the case of no fruit ability, unless you have a superhuman body, it is basically impossible to promise them.

In response, Li Zhenwu shook his head, stretched out his right hand, "I'll give you a chance, if you can take my punch, I'll let you go."

The voice fell, the force field suddenly disappeared, and it converged back into the body.

The surrounding magnetic field regained its calm.

"I hope you don't regret it."

The gravity on their bodies disappeared, and Casey and Oymo stood up abruptly.

Their fists, the size of a house, were wrapped in a howling wind.


When the fists of the two came to half a meter in front of Li Zhenwu.

He clenched the five fingers of his right hand, slowly punched, and greeted him.

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