
The dull loud noise was like a thunder blast.

With the three at the center, a powerful shock wave raged towards the surroundings, forming a strong storm.

Chapter [-] Spandaine's plan!

Judiciary Island, in front of the second gate, is surrounded by countless guards from the navy and the world government.

At this moment, their eyes were extremely shocking, and they were full of powerlessness when they looked at the three fighting in front of the door.

I saw a strong energy, like a raging wind, blowing everything around the three of them.


Casey and Oymo's hill-like bodies flew backwards behind them under countless horrified eyes.

The huge body smashed into the stone gate behind him, and a dull loud sound broke out.


The rock-solid gate immediately spread out countless cracks, and then shattered, turning into countless stones and falling to the ground.

"What, Shimen was blown up?"

Seeing this scene, the guards surrounding Li Zhenwu were shocked and couldn't believe it.

This is the first time in the history of Justice Island's existence.

"Shimen was blown up by intruders."

This news, like an ocean wave, spread across the entire island in an instant.

From the second to the end of the stone gate, the abyss and ocean current waterfall, in the Judiciary Tower, which is far away, panicked at this moment.


In the quiet 21 office, the phone worm on the table rang, and the sound fell on everyone's ears, which was very harsh.

Spandain shivered all over, staring down at the phone bug, his eyes filled with gray despair.

On the sofa in the office, there were seven men sitting, all silent and uncertain at the moment.

"Sir, it should be the casualty report on the island ahead. Let's think of a way!" The man in a suit with curly hair and a hat spoke in a deep voice, breaking the silence in the arena.

Spandain raised his head slightly, his face covered in cold sweat, his mighty demeanor had disappeared.

In the end, he silently picked up the phone bug to answer, hoping for a miracle to happen.

"What happened to Justice Island? Did you stop the intruder?"

The voice fell, and the entire office fell silent at the same time. Everyone turned their heads and stared at the phone bug, with a hint of hope in their hearts.

The phone worm didn't make any noise and was unusually quiet. Spanda and the others calmed down a little in their hearts.

However, with the sound of the phone bug coming out, the atmosphere in the field suddenly changed.

"Spandain, right? The second door has been broken by me. You can try your best to escape while I arrive at the Judiciary Tower."

The faint voice, without sadness or joy, fell in the ears of everyone, and made them completely petrified on the spot.

However, the owner of that voice didn't seem to want to talk so much nonsense, so he hung up immediately after speaking.


Spandain was holding the phone bug, his nose was running down, his face was full of horror, his legs were shaking, and he was almost scared to pee.

You don't need to think about it to know that the voice just now is the intruder of Judicial Island this time.

He is also the most famous Emperor Zhenwu in the world recently. He was designated by the world government as the most dangerous prisoner in the world.

Moreover, Emperor Zhenwu is an unpredictable person in their eyes.



Dragon people?I'm sorry, but it's the same as killing it.

It seems that there is no one that Emperor Zhenwu can't kill, and the means are bloody and fearless.

Since going to sea, the most ferocious shot was when the navy issued a demon slaughter order on O'Hara...

and many more……


Thinking of this, Spandain suddenly woke up, jumped up high, and flushed with excitement.

Seeing this, the members of CP9 couldn't help frowning, thinking that their superior was so frightened by the fierce name of Emperor Zhenwu that he lost his mind.

"Haha, I know what he's doing here. It must be because I launched a demon slaughter order against O'Hara. It must be like this."

Spandain slammed his fist on the table with excitement, Jian's hard tabletop made his hand grin in pain.

However, this pain could not stop the excitement in his heart.

"Sir, even so, is there any other way we can?" one of the CP9 members asked.

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