"Of course there is no way, but since I'm here for O'Hara, then I have an excuse to escape." Spandain sneered.

As the highest officer of the Judiciary Island, if he flees without fighting, he will definitely be convicted by the world government.

But he is now implicated by the slaughtering order of the navy. Even if he escapes, he will at most throw the pot to the navy headquarters.

Thinking of this, Spandain no longer hesitated, and immediately opened the drawer and took out a delicate and small phone bug from it.

"You stop here again, and I will let the door of justice open."

After speaking, regardless of other people's reactions, Spandain dashed out of the office while dialing the phone bug.

"Prepare the ship immediately, let the door of justice open, and I want to go in."

In order to escape, he can't worry so much at this moment.

Open the door of justice, which is usually closed unless there are prisoners on trial.

It was a cold and huge steel gate, and it was very convenient to train the three major institutions of the World Government 313 into a whirlpool current.

Entering through the Justice Gate on Judiciary Island, you can reach the Navy Headquarters and the Impelton Undersea Prison.

And Spandain's target is Impelton.

"He is a natural ability person. If he catches up, he will lock you in the prison together."

Thinking of this, Spandain showed ecstasy on his face and continued to dial the phone bug.

The Navy Headquarters and the World Government, and even Impelton's underwater prison, had a conversation.

This is a call about changing the pattern of the world, which makes everyone involved feel unprecedented dignified.

"Emperor Zhenwu invaded Judicial Island. His target is me. Now I am fleeing to the door of justice. If I want to eradicate him, this is the best chance."

No one could calm down when they heard about Spandain's bold plan.

The next moment, the naval headquarters and the Holy Land Mary Joa had a short and urgent meeting.

The content of the meeting: Slaughter God!

And Spanda only needs to use himself as a target to lure Li Zhenwu into the door of justice. At that time, the world government will use all its power to eliminate it in the door.

Chapter [-] Resolutions of the headquarters and the government! (Second more)

Holy Land Mary Joa, the world's highest power center.

The Marine Headquarters Marshal Cyborg Sora, with the Sengoku General and Garp, sat aside with a dignified face.

On the oval conference table, the five old stars, the top decision makers of the world government, looked uncertain.

"What do you think about the proposal of the Supreme Governor of Judiciary Island, Spandaine, can you keep him in Impelton?"

The old man with the black flat hat spoke lightly. Although he did not have a name, everyone present knew who it was.

Cyborg Kong pondered for a moment, looked up at everyone present, and asked a crucial question: "Then who do we send to deal with him?"

As his voice fell, the meeting room fell silent.

You must know that Emperor Zhenwu is the only person in history with the ability to have two fruits, and the fruits he consumes include the top-quality Thunder Fruit in the natural system and the powerful gravity fruit in the superhuman system.

With the power of two fruits alone, it is enough to traverse the sea and come and go freely.

Not to mention, according to the report of Zefa, the former admiral of the navy who fought with Li Zhenwu, his physical skills are at their peak, and there are almost no flaws to be found.

Such a monster among monsters, in the navy, no one can confidently win the Zhenwu Emperor in a heads-up battle.

"This issue is a bit troublesome. If you all are dispatched, there may be unnecessary surprises for the operation of the navy."

The white long-haired old man lowered his head and said lightly.

His words, until everyone agrees, obviously, no one can accurately estimate the limit of his strength as a monster like Emperor Zhenwu.

"I think there is a way to not use the power of the navy and the world government at all, but also to use the God-Slaughtering plan."

Just when everyone was at a loss, Sengoku slowly raised his head, and the eyes behind the lens shone with the light of wisdom.

As his voice fell, Garp, who was beside him, frowned slightly unconsciously.

The others in the conference room all quieted down and turned to look at them, their eyes full of curiosity and inquiry.

Feeling everyone's eyes, Sengoku pushed the frame, organized the language in his mind, and said slowly: "When O'Hara slaughtered the demons, Garp and I were at the entrance of the West Sea, blocking the participation of Kaido. , At the time of the battle, Kaido received a lot of injuries, but it was not serious, and he was finally gone."

"However, half a month ago, the scientific research battleship led by Polsalino encountered Kaido at sea. After a fierce battle, after losing three battleships, Kaido was captured again."

"At this time, the battleship prison where Kaido is being held should be approaching the Impelton Undersea Prison."

Sengoku's face was expressionless, as if he was talking about an unimportant matter.

But everyone present understood what he meant in his words.

"Who is the commander of the battleship that escorted Kaido?" The bald old man tightened the sword in his hand and asked coldly.

As we all know, capturing Kaido is not a top priority for the World Government.

Because in the end, it all ended with Kaido escaping, and even if he was caught and executed immediately, he would not be able to kill the strongest creature in the world.

"It's Polsalino!" Sengoku said in a loud voice.

"Very good, if he is there, it should be able to guarantee the implementation of the plan to the greatest extent." The blond old man with his head upright smiled faintly.

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