This sudden change made the soldiers of the three warships and Spandain on Impelton Harbor startled.

Following the source of the sound, everyone on the whirlpool current looked over.

"The door of justice?"

When they saw the place where the loud noise broke out, many people's eyelids jumped, and an ominous premonition surged in their hearts.

"That is the door of justice on Judiciary Island. When I came, the order was closed. Could it be that the devil is chasing after him?"

Spanda's heart was beating violently, and he felt the fear from the depths of his heart, which gradually spread to his whole body.

You know, because of his personality, he values ​​his own life more than anything else.

Although he indirectly displayed a conspiracy to affect the world, he was not stupid enough to leave no way out.

That is, when the battleship on board passes through the gate of justice, order the naval headquarters to close it.

If Emperor Zhenwu had no choice but to retreat, then of course it would be the best.

But if he takes a detour into the whirlpool current, the time required will also allow him to make a sure-fire plan for the next escape.

"Hehe, it seems that you are over-hearted. How could the Gate of Justice be destroyed? It must have come in by detour."

The whirlpool current was quiet for a while, and Spandain felt relieved, feeling that his decision was wise.

In this way, those who are chasing may retreat, or come in by detour.

But no matter which possibility, it was the best result for him, Spandaine.

As for government and navy plans?

I'm sorry, but my own life is not as important!

"Spandain, the enemy you provoked is really scary enough to want to forcefully break in."

At this moment, the three warships commanded by Polsalino came to the port and slowly docked on the shore.

"For justice, even if I lay down my life, I will do it."

When Spandain saw the arrival of Kizaru, he immediately expressed his stance in a serious manner.

Of course, for the old fritters, Kizaru, he wouldn't even believe a word of his nonsense.

"Okay, there's still some time now. Let's debug the phone bug image as well. The world government has to announce the process and results to the world."

Polsalino waved his hand and ordered his subordinates to act.

Immediately, in one of the warships, several giant warriors more than ten meters high jointly carried a huge iron cage.

The iron cage is made of Hailou stone, which is as solid as a rock, and no matter how powerful the attack is, it cannot be broken open.

Inside the iron cage, a behemoth with black hair and two horns above his head looked at everything coldly.

"What a terrible breath, is this the super big pirate and the beast Kaido?"

Seeing Kaido's indifferent eyes, Spanda shrank his bladder and was almost scared to pee, so he hurried away.

"Then hurry up and stay in jail, don't get in the way here."

Polsalino glanced at him and said nonchalantly.

With the actions of each unit, a huge battle platform was soon set up in front of the advancing city prison.

And the prison where Kaido was imprisoned stood quietly in the center.

All the personnel have already retreated into the prison, leaving only Kizaru, who is still waiting for the place with a leisurely face.

Chapter [-] Focus of the world!


The whirlpool current continues to boil, the vision is extreme, and it seems to be under great pressure.

Even with the surrounding air pressure, it became quite oppressive, as if the sky was about to fall.

"It's so scary, what the hell is going on? It's never happened before in history."

Huang Yuan raised his head and glanced at the sky, not only extremely puzzled.

"I feel the breath of death. I don't know if this time, can you let me die?"

In the prison made of Hailou stone, Kaido the beast sat cross-legged, and suddenly grinned, full of madness.

When Polsalino heard this, he turned his head to look over, and said with a curl of his lips: "You feel it too? It seems that the kid is amazing, he is really a dangerous person!"

Although he said it was dangerous, his performance didn't mean much.

As a natural-type glittering fruit person, even if he is defeated, he can leave calmly.

If he wants to escape with all his strength, who can catch up with the speed of light?


At the same time, all kinds of video phone bugs arranged in the Gate of Justice are now being transmitted to all parts of the world.

Rogue Town, Chambord Islands, Mermaid Island and more...

All the places where pirates gather, there are huge screens set up, so that people from all over the world can clearly see the scene inside the Gate of Justice from different angles.

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