Chambord Islands, Central Street.

"Isn't that Kaido? Could it be that the World Government wants to broadcast the execution of Kaido of the beasts?"

"Impossible, Kaido claims to be immortal, and there is no way to kill him at all."

"Then what is it for?"

The people watching the live broadcast began to discuss.

Whether it is pirates across the sea or kingdoms around the world, they all pay close attention to everything in the picture.

"That kid, wouldn't he want to break into the door of justice?"

Rayleigh mixed in the crowd, looked up at the abnormal picture played on the screen, and couldn't help but be shocked.

Apart from Li Zhenwu, he couldn't imagine anyone who could make the world government spend countless manpower just to broadcast the scene in front of him.

You know, everyone who knows a little about Li Zhenwu knows that.

The world government wants to use the lives of Li Zhenwu or Kaido to kill the chickens and show the monkeys, so as to deter the pirate forces from all sides.

Even the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army, which was far away on the White Earth Island, had finally received the picture of the world spread after technical cracking at this time.

"The actions of the world government are really abnormal. They didn't announce anything at all, they just broadcast the situation inside the door of justice."

The dragon's expression was cloudy and uncertain, and there was light in his eyes.

"If I remember correctly, Mr. Li should be in the water capital at this moment, and the water capital is far from the Judiciary Island..."

A young man in a canine hat next to him touched his chin and didn't say anything.

But what he meant, everyone present understood, so that they were all shocked.

"This is crazy." Long shook his head violently, he couldn't imagine it.

"Nothing is impossible. After all, Judicial Island played a key role in O'Hara's military operations."

"It's just that even if Mr. Li attacks Judiciary Island, he won't broadcast the scene inside the Gate of Justice, right?"

Some people are puzzled, no matter how they want to break their minds, they dare not imagine Li Zhenwu entering the door of justice.

The whirlpool currents there can only reach three locations.

The pirates or criminals who entered, no one in history could escape except the golden lion.

At this moment, the screen image suddenly changed.


The sound that was transmitted in real time sounded a loud noise, as if the thunder came from the clouds in the sky.

The Revolutionary Army Headquarters, this solid stone building, was shaken by the voice transmitted by the phone bug.

"what happened?"

In an instant, all the eyes of everyone in the broadcasted places all over the world fell on the broadcast screen.

I saw the blue sky in the picture, giving people a feeling of tranquility and peace.

"What, you look at the sea, what happened?"

However, in the crowd gathered on the screen, someone exclaimed in disbelief.

With the sounds of surprise, the whole world boiled, and everyone's minds felt like they were about to explode...

Naval Headquarters, Marin Vando.

On the square below the fortress, tens of thousands of elite soldiers, as well as all the high-ranking officers of the navy, lined up solemnly at this moment, full of slaughter.

They all looked up in unison, looking at the giant screen hanging on the wall of the fortress, their eyes were extremely solemn.

"What a strange situation, did he give up and didn't chase in?" Warring States pushed the black frame, his face was as calm as water.

"That plan is going to fall through, it seems, all because Spandaine closed the door of justice."

Marshal Steel Bone Kong has a cold face and speaks lightly.

"With that kid's character, it's impossible to come back empty-handed."

Karp shook his head in disbelief.

In order to hunt down the golden lion, even the navy headquarters dared to break in. What is the reason for giving up?


The phone bug that spread the sound suddenly broke out with an earth-shattering sound.

The sound resounded through the sky, causing the hearts of the soldiers in the square below the fort to beat violently involuntarily.

"God, what is this?"

Exclamations resounded in the square, all filled with disbelief.

With the change of the screen, the entire fortress square was dead silent.


Inside the Gate of Justice, the invisible air flows rapidly, and 1.4 forms a milky white airflow, which gathers from all directions towards the Gate of Justice in the direction of Judicial Island.

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