The flow of air was extremely abnormal, and the face of the yellow monkey in front of Impelton prison gradually became solemn.

"Haha, I feel that he is coming. I really look forward to it. Your navy's medicine makes me want to destroy the whole world in my heart."

Hailou stone prison, the beast Kaido's eyes are red as blood, and the violent aura permeates from him, full of a strong sense of oppression.

"Did the drug work?"

Huang Yuan turned his head and glanced, "I'm looking forward to it, this will be a decisive battle of the century."

As his voice fell, a loud noise came from a distance.

Chapter [-] Destroy the door of justice! (Second more)

Judiciary Tower, blue waves surging on the sea.

The huge Gate of Justice, towering into the clouds, shrouded in white mist, loomed dimly.

A figure in a green shirt stood firmly on the sea, and in contrast to its thin body, it was obviously quite small at close range.

"The gate of justice made of steel is really a miracle project in this world. Unfortunately, it will disappear today."

Li Zhenwu looked up and put away his tentative punch.

Even he hadn't thought that Spandain would be so scared.

In order to survive, he did not hesitate to open the door of justice and hide on the other side of the whirlpool current.

You must know that his Qi machine has already locked Spandain's breath, and he knows every move of the other party.

"I didn't expect that even Kaido was there. His breath seemed to be much stronger, making the blood in my body boil."

The corner of Li Zhenwu's mouth raised a mocking smile.

I thought about finding Kaido in the new world to settle accounts, but I didn't expect to meet him here.

But since it is encountered, it will be solved together with 21.

"King Fist!"

Li Zhenwu's whole body erupted with red energy, like a raging flame, burning roaringly.

Immediately afterwards, he stretched out his right hand, and his slender five fingers suddenly clenched tightly, punching to the waist and abdomen, condensing the strength of the whole body.

Following his actions, countless amounts of air up and down the heavens and the earth turned into milky white air currents, gathering from all directions.

"Breaking this door of justice, I really don't know how the five old stars will feel."

Li Zhenwu thought silently in his heart, and then he slowly punched and bombarded it out.

This punch, the speed is not fast, as if the slow movement is magnified countless times, and the time seems to freeze in an instant.

However, the surface of the fist was covered with pitch-black domineering, and the true martial power in the body was all gathered.


The fist bombarded the steel gate, and there was no loud noise, only a slight vibration.

Circles of invisible space ripples, from the center of the fist, like ripples, spread in all directions.


The sea boiled, the monstrous waves roared, and the majestic and terrifying power spread from the fist and quickly filled the entire gate of justice.

quite a while.


Li Zhenwu snorted coldly, and the red arrogance that swirled around his body suddenly surged, and a shocking atmosphere erupted.

As the voice fell, the entire gate of justice, where the fists were bombarded, suddenly dented quickly.

As if being oppressed by an invisible force.


The next moment, a loud noise broke out, resounding through the sky.

The majestic power instantly collapsed the closed door of justice from the cornerstone embedded in the seabed and flew forward.

The Gate of Justice is too huge, wrapped in huge waves, sliding from the direction of Judicial Island all the way to Impelton, only with a bang and smashed into the sea.

The water mist filled the air, and the vortex of the ocean current stopped flowing the moment the Door of Justice was opened.


The audience watching the live broadcast all over the world opened their mouths wide and their eyeballs bulged, as if they were about to fall to the ground.

The picture on the screen is really shocking.

The transmission of that terrifying sound shocked everyone's hearts visually and audibly.

"The door of justice was blown up..."

People all over the world, whether they are pirates or people in other professions, feel like they are dreaming at this moment.

Even those who were familiar with Li Zhenwu felt that their blood was boiling.

Naval Headquarters, Marin Vando.

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