When the Gate of Justice was exploded, Marshal Gang Kuo instantly reacted, his face pale as paper.

"Turn off the phone bug broadcast immediately, and it can't be broadcast anymore."

As soon as these words came out, the navy in the square was stunned.

"Yes, cut off the circuit immediately so that the shame of the navy cannot spread."

When the surrounding scientific team heard it, they immediately wanted to operate remotely and cut off the switch of the phone bug.

However, no matter how they fiddled around, the phone bugs placed all over the swirling ocean didn't respond.


The whirlpool current, the fog is filled, the hazy one.

"Haha, since it's broadcast, let everyone in the world see the stupid decision you made."

Li Zhenwu laughed loudly, his whole body burst into pale thunder and lightning, and the current spread along the air, controlling countless phone bugs in an instant.

Looking at the government at a loss and want to cut it off?

"Now, let me see if you can trap me."

Retracting his smile, Li Zhenwu smiled sternly, took a step in the air, and walked towards Impelton.

There is still a door of justice there, and a gap is opened at this moment, which can accommodate the passage of warships.

Obviously, they were well prepared and ready to welcome Li Zhenwu's arrival.


The next moment, Li Zhenwu's footsteps fell to the sea, and his whole body turned into a flash of lightning and disappeared from the spot in an instant.

The blur of natural fruit, moving at the speed of light!

In front of Impelton, floating on the battle platform on the sea.


With a slight sound of companion 603, the Hailoushi prison was opened.

"It's such a terrible monster. I'll be watching from the side. I won't bother you to settle your personal grievances."

Kizuna turned into a photon, his body disintegrated, and condensed at the front door of the prison.

He put his hands in his pockets and looked leisurely, as if he was watching the fun.

"Have you ever been kicked by lightning?"

At this moment, a faint voice, containing awe-inspiring killing intent, sounded from the side of Kizaru.


In an instant, Huang Yuan's complexion changed dramatically, his eyes were horrified, and out of the corner of the eye, he saw a leg with bright electric light beside him, which quickly enlarged in his field of vision.


Kizaru didn't have time to react, he felt his head sink and his body flew out like a cannonball with a rumble.


The body smashed through the three warships docked in the port, the whole person was embedded in the hull of the ship, his head was bleeding, and he looked extremely miserable.

With just one kick, a person with natural ability was kicked out.

Can't even react!

"Now, should it be your turn?"

Li Zhenwu turned his head, stared at the huge figure on the battlefield, and said coldly.

Lightning flashes all over his body, pale lightning flashes, and the aura of destruction is extremely shocking.

Chapter [-] Battle Kaido! (third more)

Marine Headquarters Marine Fando.

At this moment, the fortress square was silent and dead, and everyone's eyes widened, looking at the pictures on the screen, almost thinking they were dreaming.

One foot?

With just one kick, Vice Admiral Kizaru of the Navy Headquarters was rendered incompetent.

What terrifying power is this?

You must know that it is a natural ability person, and in terms of speed, it is almost comparable to the movement of light.

But at this moment, it was too late to even react, so he lost his combat effectiveness.

"Even if I take action, I can't achieve this level." Karp's face was unprecedentedly solemn.

"But don't forget that kid, who also has the ability of the natural thunder fruit. In terms of speed, it is almost the same as Polsalino."

Warring States clenched his fists, almost clenching his teeth, his eyes filled with unwillingness.

"The realm of God, this is something that human beings have never done for hundreds of years. I really don't know if we are doing this wrong."

Marshal Steel Bone Hollow Bottom is very contradictory. After all, Li Zhenwu is too powerful for the navy to dare to collide head-on.

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