Li Zhenwu told everyone, and then he stepped into the sky, walked from the sea, and left the Miracle like this.

And after he left the Miracle, unprecedented changes were discovered all over the world.

After all, the battle of Wano Kingdom was spread out, causing huge waves.

Chapter [-] The change of the four seas!

During this period of time, several shocking news came out, enough to shock the world and let people know that the sky is about to change.

"All the combat power of the navy headquarters is stationed on the Red Earth Continent."

The first message, passed out quietly, made everyone stunned.

What does this represent?

It means that the power of the navy has completely left the sea, and this sea has no powerful rules for stability.

"How is it possible, so, isn't the naval force just disbanded?"

"The pirate dispute, without the maintenance of the navy, is there still a safe place?"

"When Emperor Zhenwu destroyed the Holy Land Mary Joa, I thought it was a punishment for the Tianlong people, but now it seems that it is irresponsible for the whole world."

"Isn't it true, the naval strength has been greatly reduced, what else can suppress those vicious pirates?"

The people on the first half of the great route fell into panic, and the whole world fell into despair like never before.

However, in less than half a day, the forces led by the Revolutionary Army announced to the world that an alliance army was established to maintain security in the four seas.

"The army led by the Revolutionary Army will maintain the safety of the waters in the East China Sea and the West China Sea starting today."

As soon as the news came out, the people in the two seas cheered.

The base where the navy had retreated was occupied by the revolutionary army and used to supervise the four seas.

However, the strength of the revolutionary army is still too shallow after all, and there is no deep foundation to make the raging pirates jealous.

War broke out between the two major sea areas, the revolutionary army fought with countless pirates, and blood stained the sea area.

In the end, although the pirate forces were defeated, many remaining forces escaped, lurking, waiting for the opportunity to shoot.

The four seas, without the shock of the navy, exposed the original danger at this moment, and there was chaos.

"The pirate group led by the red-haired Shanks launched a massacre in the North Sea, killing all the pirates that brought chaos."

"The countries of the South China Sea have joined forces to form a new alliance and painstakingly maintain the security of the waters."

Countless messages, like snowflakes, are delivered to all parts of the world.

But one thing is certain, that is, the sea without a navy is completely in chaos.

Many pirates are bloodthirsty and run rampant at sea with ruthless means.

The Holy Land Mary Joa, once the world's highest power center.

The luxurious conference room was full of people at the moment, and the high-level officials of the navy and the world government were all present.

"Since the world doesn't need our stability, let's gather our combat power first and let them taste the bitter fruit!"

Admiral Kong said coldly, his tone full of indifference.

"But we are the navy. It would be inappropriate to punish innocent people because of Emperor Zhenwu!" Ze Fa said with a blank face and a deep voice.

Beside him, Garp's face was gloomy, and his iron fists were clucking.

"If we waste our energy to maintain the stability of the ocean, I am afraid that when the revolutionary army becomes a climate, we will be even more dangerous."

Warring States' eyes twinkled, and he did not agree with Zefa's idea.

Watching the former legendary general compete with the current general, the meeting room was dead silent.

The five majestic old men sat at the top, silent, watching them quarrel with cold eyes.

"Then what's the difference between us and Zhenwu Emperor?" Zefa said coldly with a gloomy expression on his face.

Obviously, the actions of the World Government have not been unanimously recognized within the Navy.

"Yes, the navy's belief is justice. Shrinking the defense line in the four seas is already the biggest concession. Now that all the troops are stationed in the Holy Land, is there still a need for the navy to exist?"

"It's not like that. If we don't gather together and be defeated by the enemy one by one, there is no doubt that we will commit suicide."

"Even if I commit suicide, it's better than being comfortable here. For me, being able to die at sea is the best destination for my identity as a navy."

"Since you are obsessed, take off your navy uniform and do whatever you want!"

The top ranks of the navy and the world government are divided into two factions, vying for each other.

Their beliefs were broken, they could not get a unified mind, and in the end neither side could convince the other.

The navy headed by Zefa and Garp was determined to continue to frighten the sea, while Marshal Sora and Sengoku, headed by them, tended to retain their strength and make those forces exhausted.

But everyone couldn't convince each other, and could only stare and glared in the conference room.

At this moment, the five old men sitting at the top, among them the old man with long beard and white hair, spoke up, and everyone immediately quieted down.

"I think you all know what happened in Wano. According to the data and data fed back by the scientific research team, the power of Emperor Zhenwu is not something that an individual can compete with."

"Yes, since his goal is us, for the final battle, then we will wait here."

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