"Trust us, this fight won't be long because he can't wait."

"Look at the changes in the four seas. They have already taken action. We are waiting here to preserve the most strength."

The controller of the highest power in the world, Wu Lao Xing spoke lightly, his expression full of confidence.

"What if they don't come? Are we waiting?" Karp asked in a deep voice.

"In half a month, he will definitely come, and all those clowns who jump on the beam will come." The bald old man who rubbed the blade grinned: "If you don't come, then we will take action, and we will never stop your actions."

"Yes, although a Zhenwu Great Emperor is terrible, he is only a person after all, so what we have to wait for is all the heretical forces."

"This time, let them go back and forth, because we are the world government."

The voices of the Five Old Stars echoed in the conference room, surprising everyone.

But all five of the world's highest powers have said so, and the debate can't continue.

"Okay, we'll wait another half a month. If they really come, then I will definitely kill all the evil." Zefa clenched his fist and said coldly.

At this point, no one else has any opinions, and they choose to wait another half a month.

"Well, you just need to wait and see how things change. Maybe, you won't need to take action at that time!"

Chapter [-] The Whitebeard Pirates (Second)

The meeting of the Holy Land Mary Joa, no one knows, but the world is in turmoil, and the strength of each organization is expanding wildly.

Only the new world, a little quieter.

Because there are too many pirates here, but in front of several strong men standing at the top of the pyramid, they dare not be presumptuous.

The sphere of influence of the Whitebeard Pirates, George Island.

A huge whale-shaped vessel, towering as a hill, docked quietly in the port.

Inside the island, there were laughter and laughter. The Whitebeard Pirates and the residents of the island held a banquet, which had no impact on the turmoil in the world.

"There is a man at sea who walks on the sea?"

Suddenly, a pirate in the harbor pointed to the end of the sky and exclaimed.

Beside him, a few companions turned their heads and looked at them suspiciously, and their faces were immediately stunned.

"Really walking on the sea, he is approaching our island, hurry up and inform Dad."

The next moment, several people reacted, and one of the pirates turned around and galloped towards the banquet on the island.


"The breath is really powerful and terrifying, as expected of a living legend."

On the surface of Sea 853, Li Zhenwu was dressed in blue clothes, with his hands on his back and his feet on the waves.

After leaving the Miracle, he searched for a few days before finding Whitebeard here.

Before approaching, I sensed that terrifying breath, like a sleeping beast, just waiting to wake up and erupt.

"Who? This is the Whitebeard Pirate...Fuck! Emperor Zhenwu!"

As soon as Li Zhenwu approached the port, the pirates were on guard and yelled loudly.

However, before they finished speaking, when they saw Li Zhenwu's appearance clearly, they immediately became rude and panicked.

The bark of the famous tree of people, although the Whitebeard Pirates do not have the heart to dominate the world, they have all heard about the turmoil around the world.

And the name of Emperor Zhenwu is too loud, surpassing Roger, the pirate king, and is called a god-like existence by the world.

"You... what are you doing here?" a pirate asked boldly, stammering.

In fact, their hearts are about to jump out, and the man in front of them has been known for a long time.

Wherever the Great Emperor Zhenwu appeared, it would always be accompanied by a bloody storm.

This man's prestige was built on the bones, and even the world government was terrified of him.

Li Zhenwu took a step forward, came to the port, and glanced at a few people lightly, "I'm here to find your captain, and I want to talk to him about something."

While speaking, he kept walking and passed several people directly.

When these pirates reacted, Li Zhenwu had already appeared [-] meters away. The seemingly slow pace was actually unbelievably fast.

"Stop, Dad is having a banquet, so I can't let you make trouble."

They looked flustered, and their eyes were full of panic, but they still had the courage to leap over, trying to stop Li Zhenwu's progress.

"It's a coincidence, I've been working hard these days, and I haven't eaten anything yet!"

With the strong wind blowing from behind, Li Zhenwu smiled faintly and kept walking, as if he hadn't seen it.

This ignoring attitude made several people angry, and the weapons in their hands slashed towards his back.

"Go to sleep!"

However, when Li Zhenwu's faint voice came, a terrifying coercion descended and drowned several people.

The terrifying mental shock, like a huge wave, instantly collapsed people's spirits and fainted.

With a few plops, several pirates fell to the ground from the air, twitching and foaming at the mouth.

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