In the town, the noisy banquet was interrupted by a scream.

"Father, the big thing is bad. Someone is coming on the sea. His target is probably our pirate group."

The pirate who reported the letter shouted loudly, making the atmosphere of the banquet quiet in an instant.

At the center of the banquet, a giant old man sat like a towering hill, looking at the cheering pirates at the banquet, his eyes were a little more doting.

"Boy, are you new here? Even if someone comes, don't make a fuss."

Marko held the wine barrel, glanced at the visitor lightly, and scolded dissatisfiedly.

When the people around heard it, they laughed, and the atmosphere of the banquet became lively again in an instant.

"Hey, with Dad here, what are you afraid of, relax!" Blackbeard Tiki grinned.

The messenger pirate was reprimanded for a few words, and his face was full of confusion. He nodded dully, and was then pulled by a companion to drink.

The noisy atmosphere was one after another, and the crowd cheered uncontrollably, completely forgetting the news of the pirate.

Whitebeard was the center of the entire banquet. Around him, pirates surrounded him, and residents of the town in the distance also joined in.

"The taste is good, and the wine is also good. I didn't expect your pirates' food to be so rich."

At this moment, a faint voice sounded in the field without warning.

The sound was not loud, but it fell clearly in the ears of everyone.

next moment.

The noisy atmosphere came to an abrupt end.

It was so sudden that everyone couldn't react, so he turned his head sluggishly and looked over.

At the table in front of Whitebeard, there was a young man in a teenage shirt. He had no image, holding a wine glass in one hand and eating the food on the table in the other.

No one knows when he appeared, but it is certain that this is not someone from their pirate group.

"You won't be so stingy if you eat some food from your pirates, right?"

Feeling the strange atmosphere around him, the youth in the green shirt murmured in dissatisfaction, but the movements in his hands did not mean to stop at all.

This change was too sudden.

"Hey, who are you and why are you here?"

Marko's face was ugly, and a look of shock appeared in his eyes, because Li Zhenwu appeared beside him, so he was the most shocked.

Even the white beard who was sitting upright didn't look any better.

Because, until Li Zhenwu spoke, he didn't even feel that a person suddenly appeared in front of him.

Chapter [-]: Li Zhenwu's Threat (Chapter Three)

"I'm here with Whitebeard to discuss something."

Hearing Marco's question, Li Zhenwu said lightly without raising his head.

As his voice fell, the field was quiet.

"He is the Emperor Zhenwu."

Some pirates recognized Li Zhenwu and exclaimed loudly - get up.

Immediately, there was a continuous gasp of cold air in the arena.

"How is it possible, how did he appear here? Did he come to fight?"

"That's a figure that the world government is afraid of. It is said that his strength has surpassed that of the gods."

"If he's going to deal with Dad, I won't let him go."

"But he has power beyond the gods, are we his opponent?"

Many pirates looked solemn and talked in low voices, looking at Li Zhenwu's eyes, full of vigilance.

The captain of the twelfth division of the Whitebeard Pirates, swaying, quietly came out and surrounded him, showing a semicircle of encirclement.

If they didn't know who Li Zhenwu was, they might not have such a reaction.

But it was clear that it was Emperor Zhenwu, and everyone in the field could not calm down. The first time they were ready to fight.

"En?" Feeling the nervousness of the crowd, Li Zhenwu raised his head and glanced around lightly.

When he saw Blackbeard Tickey, his eyes paused for a while, and then he raised his head and looked up at the old man as big as a hill.

Edward Newgate, nicknamed Whitebeard, is very tall, towering like a hill, and the white beard with the crescent moon is very unique and cannot be ignored.

At this time, his face was ugly, looking down at the little guy in front of him, his eyes were extremely gloomy.

"not welcome?"

Li Zhenwu raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and smiled lightly.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked. This was a provocation for eating Guoguo. For the strongest man in the world, the tone of voice could not be said to be light.

The corners of Baibeard's eyes twitched, he was silent for a while, and suddenly burst into laughter: "Gula, although I don't know your purpose, since the banquet has begun, we can't waste this atmosphere."

"Yes, you continue, don't worry about me."

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