"I'm really looking forward to it! It's like fighting with Roger, Golden Lion and the others back then."

"My blood is boiling."

For some reason, when Whitebeard spoke up, everyone felt a sense of self-confidence.

This makes Li Zhenwu very strange. In the end, maybe this is the charm of personality!

After all, in the original book, even Roger's son, Ace, became the other's son after contacting Whitebeard.

It can also be seen from the side that it is precisely because of this kind of personality power that everyone in this pirate group is willing to follow.

Of course, there is one exception, and that is Blackbeard Titch.

He looked gloomy and cold at the moment, but a strange light flashed in his eyes, but Li Zhenwu could sense that there was a touch of greed in the other's heart, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"I took a heavy shot. If you want to go to war, you must have the consciousness of being killed."

Facing the siege of thousands of people from the Whitebeard Pirates, Li Zhenwu looked indifferent, and stood proudly with his hands on his back.

Although there was only one person, it shocked everyone.

No one took the lead, just cautiously guarded, and concentrated to the extreme.

I don't know how long the atmosphere in the field lasted...

Whitebeard suddenly sat back in his seat and sighed: "You are really powerful, and before you can make a move, you can make me feel an unprecedented danger."

As his voice fell, there was a violent commotion in the field.

"Dad, you can't admit defeat, you are our king, how can you bow your head to others?" Marko was anxious, looking at Li Zhenwu's eyes, as if he was about to spit fire.

The others were also full of anger and resentment, wishing they could immediately take action and kill the young man in front of them.

There was only one person in the field, and a trace of unwillingness flashed in his eyes, and that was Blackbeard Titch.

In the depths of his eyes, there was a cold light, like a dormant beast, looking at Li Zhenwu's eyes, as if he saw delicious prey.


Seeing the anxiety on everyone's faces, Whitebeard laughed loudly: "What are you thinking? I'm Whitebeard, how could I lower my head?"

While speaking, he glanced at Li Zhenwu and continued:

"Although I know your intentions, I don't seem to be interested in participating in your affairs. My son, I can't sacrifice for your unnecessary fights."

After hearing Whitebeard's words, everyone in the field was moved.

It is precisely because of this kind of protection, like fatherly love, that these people who have been abandoned by society have the warmth of home.

"You alone are enough!"

Li Zhenwu carried his hands on his back, the corners of his mouth raised a smile, and he was extremely confident.

"So, there's no way I can refuse?"

"Yes, it is also the best choice for your family."

"Then I..."

Before Baibeard's words were finished, his face suddenly changed dramatically, and a look of shock appeared in his eyes.

The sudden change made everyone unable to react.

"Dad is not something that you kid can threaten."

An extremely cold voice sounded from the surrounded pirates.

I saw a dark figure, galloping forward, with sharp metal weapons on the joints of his hands, and the gust of wind stirred up as he swung it.

This is Black Beard Tiki, with a stubborn beard on his face, dark curly hair, a heavy body, and an incredible strength.

too suddenly.

No one thought that Titch would suddenly make a move, and as soon as he made a move, a fierce murderous intent would break out.

Everyone only had time to open their eyes wide, and they couldn't even stop the action that couldn't be done, so they could only watch.

call out!

The sound of the wind came, and the sharp metal weapon pierced the air barrier, and suddenly stabbed Li Zhenwu's back.

"Stop, you are not his opponent!"

Whitebeard exclaimed in surprise, and only had time to say these words...


A dull sound erupted from the field.

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, Li Zhenwu was still standing there. He stretched out his arms, spread his fingers, and pinched Blackbeard's neck with precision.

"how is this possible……"

Blackbeard Titch stuck out his tongue, his face flushed, he only felt that his neck was about to break, and the weapon in his hand was weakly released and fell to the ground.

At this moment, he was like a chicken, and was held by Li Zhenwu's neck like this, completely powerless to resist.


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