It was too sudden.

From the shock of Blackbeard's sneak attack, to the shock of Li Zhenwu holding Blackbeard with one hand, they couldn't change for a while.

"Is this still human?"

During the conversation, at such a close distance, he dismissed it lightly, without even moving his body.

I have to say, this scene is really creepy.

The strength of Blackbeard Tickey is not strong, but definitely not weak.

But just like this, a close-range sneak attack is impossible, and it is suppressed by the opponent. As long as you use a little force, you can easily kill it.

"Although there is ambition, in my eyes, at best, it is an ant with ambition."

The corner of Li Zhenwu's mouth raised a sneer, his eyes flashed coldly, and he shook his hand suddenly.


Blackbeard Titch's body, 5.8 flew out like a cannonball, and the rumbling crashed through dozens of buildings before it stopped.

The field was silent and silent.

Everyone opened their mouths and their jaws were about to drop to the ground.

What kind of terrifying power is this?

"It seems that you have received a good son, and your ambitions are too big. I'm afraid your boat will not be able to hold it, right?"

Li Zhenwu raised his head, looked at the white beard lightly, a hint of irony raised at the corner of his mouth.

"No matter what he is, but you hurt my son, it's not as simple as saying it."

At this moment, Whitebeard's face turned cold, looking down at Li Zhenwu, exuding a terrifying aura.

No matter what the reason is, hurting his son is absolutely unforgivable.

The [-]th chapter shakes the fruit! (fifth more)

In the field, the atmosphere was suppressed, and the pirates around, although sorry flashed in their eyes, but their expressions were full of anger.

As members of the Whitebeard Pirates, protecting their shortcoming is their belief.

In the original book, Fire Fist Ace was arrested, and the Navy Headquarters saw the character of Whitebeard, so he was publicly executed.

However, Whitebeard still did not hesitate at all, facing the adequate preparations of the Navy Headquarters, and attacked strongly.

From this, it can be imagined that his love for the members is absolutely beyond imagination.

Blackbeard's sneak attack on Li Zhenwu, in his opinion, was useless at all, so he called to stop.

But Li Zhenwu took a strong shot to suppress, and directly threw the black beard out. That powerful force might not die or be seriously injured.

"Then have a fight!"

Li Zhenwu stood proudly with his hands on his back, and said indifferently.

Hearing this, the pirates around were angry.

"In the end, 21 still wants to take action against Dad."

"Damn Zhenwu Emperor, he is too arrogant, we are the Whitebeard Pirates of thousands!"

"Do you think we'll be afraid of this?"

"Let's do it, we must make him look good, and we can't disgrace the name of the father."

Everyone's mood is high, and there is a big disagreement, and they will make desperate moves.

The only ones who could calm down in the field were the captains.

Because they were the closest to Li Zhenwu, they watched the whole process when Blackbeard Titch sneaked up.

The light-hearted suppression is absolutely powerful, and even if they take action, I am afraid it will not be any better than Blackbeard.

"You all step back and take the boat to the sea."

Just when everyone was extremely angry, Whitebeard stood up abruptly, his rude voice contained an unquestionable order.

As the head of the regiment, his words are orders, and this is his battle.

However, everyone didn't move, and they were all furious, staring at Li Zhenwu.

"Dad, let us help, he is the Great Emperor Zhenwu, a person that even the world government is afraid of."

"If Daddy you have..."

What else did everyone want to say, Whitebeard took a step forward, clenched his fists, and slammed into the void with a bang.


Immediately, the space shattered like a mirror, and an invisible vibration rose from Whitebeard's fist and spread out violently.


The majestic energy erupted like a gust of wind, wrapping everyone up and flying towards the port.

Not only the pirates, but even the residents of those islands are among them.

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