"I'm a white beard, and I haven't been reduced to the time to ask you brats to help me."

Whitebeard was so angry that he was extremely powerful and sent everyone away directly.


This method is really powerful, everyone can't resist, even rolling and crawling, they are shocked to the port.

They turned their heads and looked there, their worries could not be concealed at all.

In the field, there were only two people left standing opposite each other.

The sea breeze was blowing, the dust was blown away, and the atmosphere was extremely dignified.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you."

Li Zhenwu opened his mouth lightly, with an understatement on his face, as if telling an absolute truth.

However, in the eyes of Whitebeard, it was extremely ironic, making him feel like a weakling.

"But I'll kill you." Whitebeard said coldly, stretched out his hand suddenly, and caught the Naginata beside him: "But don't worry, if I kill you, I'll still shoot."

"So good!"

Li Zhenwu nodded, his black hair fluttered along with him, and his body was filled with a golden energy, a powerful aura that instantly rose into the sky.

"Let me see the so-called divine power!"

Whitebeard roared, holding the Naginata sword in both hands, and strode forward like a hill.


The Naginata fell from top to bottom, wrapped in a ten thousand force, and slashed down towards Li Zhenwu's head ruthlessly.

The sharp blade has invisible ripples, and there is an invisible energy that vibrates rapidly. Near the blade, the space is like a mirror shattered, turning into countless black dots.

Zhenzhen fruit, known as the strongest superhuman fruit.

Whitebeard has been developed to the extreme, and with all his strength, he can shake the whole world.

Attached to the blade at this moment, the space could not bear the sharp shock, and it shattered, containing terrifying energy fluctuations.

"Then see if you are qualified."

Li Zhenwu grinned, the fighting spirit in his body was soaring to the sky, and the unparalleled arrogance swept the surrounding frantically.

When the blade fell in front of his eyes, the right fist was clenched tightly, the power of true martial arts was infused, and lightning and flames flowed on the surface of the skin, bursting with dazzling light.


The two collided, and a loud bang broke out.

At the center where the fist and the blade collided, ripple-like space ripples appeared, spreading to the surroundings, and wherever they passed, all the vegetation was silently annihilated.

"Give me back!"

The muscles of Whitebeard's arms bulged, like a dragon chanting around, holding the naginata tightly and pressing down.

The additional vibration of the blade became violent, and it was transmitted to Li Zhenwu 020's fist. The lightning and flames on the skin seemed to be washed continuously.


The shock wave erupted, Li Zhenwu's face changed slightly, and the whole person flew out, smashing through countless buildings and trees, and everything around him collapsed.

The fluctuation of the shaking fruit can unload the power of his fist, and finally the shock comes back, worthy of being the strongest fruit in the superhuman system.

"What a terrible vibration!"

With a bang, Li Zhenwu rose into the sky, standing in the sky, the fighting intent in his eyes burned violently like a flame.

You know, Whitebeard used all his strength to shake the whole world.

With the knife just now, even if he didn't have all his strength, an island would easily shake. This kind of power, Li Zhenwu could only bear with his physique, and his blood and energy were tumbling violently.

"Gula, am I eligible now?"

Holding the Naginata sword, Whitebeard laughed loudly, but there was no hint of pride, on the contrary, his eyes became more solemn.

Li Zhenwu patted the dust on his body, stepped down from the sky, and said lightly: "There is now."

The voice fell!

The golden arrogance burst out from his body, his head full of black hair, eyebrows and pupils, instantly transformed into a dazzling golden color.

Breakthrough, Super Saiyan!

Chapter [-] The mystery of Zhenzhen fruit! (Happy New Year)

On the port of George Island, the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates retreated in an orderly manner, and dozens of huge pirate ships slowly drove out of the port.

Looking back, the smoke and dust were rising into the sky, and the houses and trees collapsed, as if they were swept away by a huge beast.

When a loud bang broke out, everyone was shocked, and a surprise appeared on their faces.

"Dad is going to win?"

"What gods, in front of the father, but there is no advantage!"

"Yes, Dad is born with divine power, and if he can use his fruit power, he can shake the whole world."

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