"Gula, is that enough strength?"

Seeing this, Whitebeard raised his head and laughed, his hill-like body burst out with absolute power, and continued to chase after him.



Whitebeard's Naginata and Li Zhenwu's fist collided many times, and the place was turned into ruins.

Where the two fought, a deep pit with a diameter of several kilometers was punched out.

Violent shock waves, as well as violent energy, annihilated the soil, and the bottom of the pit continued to descend.


The loud noise broke out again, and Li Zhenwu was like a rock. This time, he did not step back, but stood in place.

Whitebeard, on the other hand, retreated sharply, his back hit the bottom of the pit with a rumbling sound, his feet staggered, and he almost became unsteady.

"How is that possible? That kind of power, could it be..." He looked shocked, and a huge wave was set off in his heart.

The punch that just collided, the power transmitted from the Naginata sword, he clearly felt that there was an invisible shock wave transmitted.

"It's weird, right?" Li Zhenwu grinned, raised his right fist, and said lightly, "Shockwave, I will too."

While speaking, on the surface of the fist, repulsion and gravity erupted at the same time, forming a strong shock wave, causing countless ripples in the surrounding space.

Chapter [-] The power to shatter the world! (Second congratulations on New Year's Day!)

The reason why the Zhenzhen fruit can become the strongest among the superhuman fruits is because the invisible vibration waves can not only act on objects, but also on invisible spaces.

In a space, the punctuation will vibrate countless times, and even the space will not be able to bear it, and it will be shattered into countless fragments.

It is this strange fluctuation, combined with Whitebeard's power to crush the world, that allows him to shake the whole world.

Even, when the vibration penetrates deep into the seabed, it can cause a tsunami that destroys the world, and can easily destroy a country and region.

At this moment, the surface of Li Zhenwu's raised fist also had an invisible vibration, and the ripples in the space were clearly visible.

What does this represent?

The strongest fruit ability of the super department was actually mastered by Li Zhenwu.

"You are a person with three fruit abilities. It is said that the first fruit is the Gravity Fruit. Could that fruit ability replicate my shaking fruit ability?"

When he saw the shock on the surface of Li Zhenwu's fist, Whitebeard was shocked beyond measure.

His ability to shake the fruit is no longer unique, and in front of the man in front of him, he has no advantage at all.

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly and didn't hide it: "Yes, it is the Gravity Fruit. Your Shock Fruit 227 is also a shock of strength, so I just realized it carefully and found that it is very close to my fruit ability."

"Under repeated contact, it seems that repulsion and gravity are intertwined. It's just the fluctuation of the shocking fruit, which is relatively pure."

"And my fruit ability, although I can't perfectly replicate that kind of fluctuation, but don't underestimate my true martial power, he can contain all pure power!"

As the words fell, Li Zhenwu fluttered with blond hair, and the whole person was wrapped in golden arrogance, like a god descending from the earth, majestic.


The world suddenly shook, and with Li Zhenwu's body as the center, countless spatial ripples spread out in all directions.

He lowered his hands and clenched his fists tightly, holding a strange energy fluctuation, and it was this energy that gave off violent spatial vibrations.

George Island is shaking!

The nearby sea shook!

It also spreads farther, as if endless, to the end of the world.

"How is it possible that you also have this kind of power?"

Whitebeard was shocked. He felt that the whole world was shaking, and a storm surged in his heart. For the first time, he felt that Li Zhenwu was invincible.

However, Li Zhenwu did not answer him, clenched his fists and slammed into the void beside him.


Immediately, the space was like a mirror, with countless cracks, like cobwebs, shattering into pieces.

"Haha, it turns out that this is the ability of the shaking fruit. In the final analysis, it is just a certain force in the magnetic field reaching the extreme."

Li Zhenwu burst into laughter, and he was more relaxed than ever.

Getting the Gravity Fruit at the beginning was simply an unprecedented luck against the weather.

Now it seems that no matter what the ability is, as long as it is within the range of the magnetic field, it can be copied and become its own ability.


The shaking of heaven and earth continued, and the scope was quite wide, and the surrounding sea area was covered.


The huge waves on the sea surface were overwhelming and overwhelming, shaking dozens of pirate ships, almost overturning the ships and destroying them.

"What's going on? Could it be that Dad is going crazy?" Foil looked dignified, holding the side of the boat tightly with both hands, so that he could barely stabilize his body.

"It seems that Emperor Zhenwu is indeed very powerful, and can force Dad to go crazy."

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