"Unfortunately, what he met was his father, who has the power to shake the world."

"It's the first time I've seen such a strong shock. Dad's strength is really unfathomable!"

"Don't relax, if the island can't bear it, we have to take action immediately, and we can't let Dad destroy this sea area."

The other captains of the [-]th Division sullenly nodded and nodded.

However, everyone's face showed a look of relief. In their opinion, only Dad had this kind of power.

Only Marko was expressionless, looking at the direction of the island, his eyes became more and more solemn.

"Do you really think that this is Dad's power?" Suddenly, he raised his finger in the direction of the island and said dully.

Seeing this scene, everyone was very surprised, and they all followed his direction.

The next moment, everyone's face turned pale, their eyes showed horror, and an unprecedented sense of despair was born in their hearts.

I saw the direction of the island, the sky was full of space cracks, there seemed to be a broken mirror, all kinds of cracks, constantly spreading out.


The cracks covering the entire island are still increasing, and the speed is very fast, coming towards their ships.

Wherever the crack passed, all matter was silently annihilated.

The buildings and trees on the island were silently decomposed into dust, flying in the sky, and then decomposed by space cracks until they were completely annihilated.

Not a trace of dust, a trace of vegetation, a trace of matter was left behind, and everything turned into nothingness.


The loud noise erupted, there was no majestic energy, only a space crack that was so strange to the extreme.

Li Zhenwu is tall and straight, his blue shirt is grinning, and his blonde hair is fluttering, exuding an unspeakable temperament.

As his fists continued to smash into the void, the cracks gradually increased, spreading in all directions, as if to destroy the world.

"Your power can shake the whole world, but my power can shatter the whole world."

Suddenly, Li Zhenwu raised his head and grinned at the white beard.

His smile was very sunny, but in the eyes of the other party, it was as terrifying as a god and demon, and the shocked heart was numb.

"As expected of an existence beyond the gods, I have a white beard all my life, and I have never encountered a monster like you."

With a sigh, Whitebeard waved his hand, and the Naginata smashed to the ground. He clenched his fists violently, as if he was holding the void, and his body suddenly swayed.


With his movements, countless cracks appeared on the surface of the fist, extending all the way.

"Then let me feel your true strength!"

Whitebeard drank violently, his arm muscles bulged, bursting out with great strength.

The world is shaken!

The [-]st chapter Zhenzhen's duel! (third more)

On George Island, the two stood opposite each other, their fists smashed into the void beside them, and with countless cracks, they collided silently.

There is no strong wind raging, and there is no gorgeous picture.

Some are just silent annihilation that is so strange to the extreme. All matter, under the impact of the crack in space, is completely turned into nothingness.


There was no sound, because even the sound was annihilated, only the shattering sound of the space was transmitted, but it was not a normal sound.

The corner of Li Zhenwu's mouth raised a smile, his eyes were bright with golden light, and he shot out two substantial beams, and a mighty fighting spirit erupted from his body.

"I said that your power can only shake the world, but I can destroy it."

As his faint voice fell, the atmosphere in the field suddenly changed.

I saw the thin body under the golden arrogance, striding out, completely unaffected by the vibration of the space, where he passed, cracks spread, revealing dark cracks like ink.

"Until the end-, the result is unknown."

Whitebeard roared, his fists were like dragons, bursting with infinite power, the space in front of him was smashed into pieces and swept forward.

The space debris is like a sand river, annihilating everything silently, rolling Li Zhenwu's whole person.

However, with the explosion of golden light, with a bang, the space debris rolled back and returned to its original space position.

Li Zhenwu's flames soared into the sky, and his footsteps kept moving. With him at the center, violent shock waves filled the air, and all damage and attacks were repulsed.

"Fighting with me, there is always only one result. Miracles will not appear among my opponents." He snapped his fingers and smiled lightly.

The force field is centered on itself, forming an invisible shock wave with a range of [-] meters, which oscillates from the force field and spreads to the heaven and earth.

In fact, Li Zhenwu can easily grasp this power without taking any action at all.

"My era hasn't ended yet, how could I lose to you little devil."

In the face of Li Zhenwu's invincibility, Whitebeard was also furious, and his huge body slammed into it with an overwhelming advantage.

The footsteps fell to the ground, and the soil was silently annihilated. He walked like the wind, raised his right fist, and slammed it out.

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