
The majestic power poured out, mighty, and wherever it passed, the space split, revealing dark cracks.

"Then see who is stronger!" Li Zhenwu laughed loudly.

As the voice fell, he was extremely arrogant, neither dodging nor evading, he wanted to collide with it head-on, completely ignoring the difference in body size.

When the two fists collided, invisible vibration ripples filled the air, and the area boiled like a stream of water.


The space could no longer bear it, and collapsed suddenly, turning into a huge black hole, swallowing both of them into it.

The powerful tearing force makes people unable to resist, all the matter in the sky is absorbed, and then crushed by the power inside, returning to nothingness.

I don't know how long it took, and all the visions around him calmed down.

Everything was restored to its original state, the food for the banquet was still there, and only the deep pit where the ground collapsed, foreshadowing what had just happened.

"What's the matter? All the cracks are gone. Did Dad win?"

In the distance of the port, dozens of pirate ships were floating side by side, and everyone's face was full of worry.

Fang Cai's vision is really terrifying.

Countless cracks spread out, and the sea water was separated into countless mirror-like states, overlapping and scattered, making people feel like they were in a mirrored world.

If you let those cracks diffuse out, I am afraid that all matter will be cut into countless pieces.

"I don't know, but I can feel that the breath inside has disappeared." Marko's expression became gloomy, and his eyes flickered.

"What's the result, do we want to go in and see?" Someone suggested, but was opposed by the captain of the [-]th Division.

"Can't go in, no matter what the result is, let's wait another half day!"

"The battle just now is too fierce. If it continues, I think it can destroy the whole world."

"Since Dad is betting on the battle for his own reputation, we should believe it, not question it."

"Yes, that's our dad..."

"What's more, Emperor Zhenwu didn't come to kill Dad, he still needs Dad to take action, so we'd better relax."

The captains of the twelfth division spoke in a deep voice to appease the other pirate crew members, lest they run in without knowing their lives.

However, the island is too quiet.

The terrifying suction force that had just erupted almost involved their ships, but fortunately that force disappeared instantly.

The atmosphere of the dozens of ships was quiet and depressing.

While everyone was waiting anxiously, suddenly, a crew member exclaimed.

"That...that..." The pirate pointed to the island just now, stammering, unable to say a complete sentence.

Everyone was surprised, and they looked in the direction he pointed, and suddenly there was a dead silence.

Marko's face was gray, and his eyes contained despair: "Hey, hey, how is it possible, Dad?"

I saw the direction of the island, a thin figure in a green shirt, carrying his hands on his back, came slowly, without the slightest smell of fireworks.

His steps were very light, but every step he fell, he seemed to be stepping on the pulse of the earth, making everyone's heart beat violently.

"Emperor Zhenwu?"

I don't know who exclaimed first, and the voice was distorted, with a strong disbelief.

As the voice fell, all the people on dozens of ships exploded.

"Where's Dad? When the Great Emperor Zhenwu appeared, could it be that Dad has already..." Someone was tearful and crying.

"No, I don't believe it. Dad is our king. How could he fall in this place? He hasn't become the king of the ocean yet!"

"Emperor Zhenwu, what did you do to our father?"

"Damn, I must not let him go. Even if I die, I will avenge my father."

On dozens of ships, the crowd was furious, shouting and clenching their weapons, and the rhythm of shooting at any disagreement.

The captain of the twelfth division also had a gloomy and terrifying face at the moment, looking in the direction of Li Zhenwu, a thick flame of hatred was beating.

Chapter [-] Dominate the world! (fourth more)


Dozens of ships docked, majestic, like a giant beast reviving, with soaring anger.

The pirates jumped off the deck with machete weapons, and the entire port was surrounded by water.

"How is our father?" Marko asked coldly, with colorful flames burning all over his body.

The rest of the captains stood beside him, all gearing up, ready to strike at any time.

"What did you do to our dad?" the others shouted.

A strong man with a fragile mind was already crying, and the voice was utterly tragic.

The momentum of thousands of people is intertwined with majestic coercion, and even the surrounding sea water is quiet, and it seems that they dare not trigger the anger of these people.

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