Hearing this sentence, there was a commotion in the crowd, and all their faces were shocked.

Who Charlotte Lingling is, as the navy, it is very clear to them, that is the super pirate of the new world.

Unexpectedly, without making a sound, they turned against the World Government.

In this way, their forces will not be scattered too much.

"Have you been reduced to relying on evil pirates?" Zefa's eyes dimmed, he turned away silently, and took the soldiers he belonged to, heading straight for the South China Sea Channel.

Garp's eyes flickered, but he didn't say much, and finally left silently.

After the three troops left, there were not many soldiers on the Holy Land.

The atmosphere in the field was quite depressing, and everyone felt the atmosphere of the coming war, which was full of gunpowder smoke.

"Emperor Zhenwu, this time, we will let you come and go."

On the high platform, Wu Laoxing looked cold and stern, and his eyes shone with cold light, full of slaughter.

They have waited too long for this day.

Li Zhenwu was like a thorn, stabbed in their hearts, so that the world government would never have a peaceful day.

"Yes, even if the Holy Land is destroyed, it must be killed."

"This battle will let the source of all chaos disappear!"

Wu Laoxing's eyes are very cold, and his old body exudes an unshakable aura, as if he is going to fight against the sky.

Seeing this, the Warring States and others below couldn't help but be extremely surprised.

"What a powerful momentum, it seems that the last card of the world government is the five old stars themselves."

Not only the Warring States period, but also other people guessed so.

At this moment, the momentum emanating from the Five Old Stars is not weaker than when they faced Li Zhenwu.

Even the five people's auras are intertwined, and they contain inexplicable majesty, giving people the illusion that if the five of them join forces, they can kill all the enemies in the world.


In the East China Sea Channel, dozens of naval battleships are lined up in formation, waiting here.

Among them, the dog-headed battleship is particularly unique among many battleships.

"My son really doesn't listen to repentance. This time, we must let him understand that the justice of the navy cannot be defeated by them."

Garp stood on the bow of the dog-headed battleship, expressionless, a pair of iron fists clenched unconsciously.

The rest of the sergeants stood behind him with solemn faces, waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

This battle is a battle to reverse the world pattern and concern the future.


In the West Sea Passage, the naval battleships headed by Kuzan were dormant like beasts, exuding a dangerous atmosphere.

"The battle strength of the West Sea is dominated by the slave army led by Hades Rayleigh. We should not be careless."

"It's terrifying. If we meet Emperor Zhenwu, we will be wiped out by the entire army." Huang Yuan pouted, and there was a little more worry in his tone.

After experiencing Impelton, he was still terrified in his heart. The strength of that man gave him no confidence to resist.

"It would be better if he came, it would save us wasting our energy."

Taotu took Tina and came up from behind, the corners of her mouth raised in an intriguing smile.

Tina pursed her lips, and a trace of panic flashed in her eyes. She was both surprised and delighted to face Li Zhenwu.

"If the big brother comes, I will go with him and stop being the guard of those Tianlong people."

(Thanks! Thank you all for accompanying this book from 2016 to 2017!)

Chapter [-] The South China Sea Channel! (Second more)

The war was about to break out, and all the navy soldiers were on guard, exuding the determination to return home.

At this time, either you die or I live, everyone knows what a grim moment has come.

The South China Sea Passage is covered by thick fog, and at a distance of [-] meters, only the outline can be seen vaguely, and the real picture cannot be peeped.

"Ah... what is that?"

Suddenly, on the observation deck, a soldier exclaimed loudly, with a deep fear in his tone.

The voice fell, and dozens of naval battleships turned their heads to look at them, and suddenly there were countless gasps.

I saw a tall black shadow appearing on the shore on both sides of the channel. He was hidden in the thick fog and could not see his true appearance, but his huge body came like a hill, making a dull noise, full of oppression. illusion.

Immediately, dozens of naval battleships exploded, and the navy soldiers rushed to and fro, immediately turning their artillery fire, turning to the shore, ready to fire at any time.

On one of the battleships, Zefa led several students with eyes like electricity, also staring at the movement of the shadow.

"Teacher, what is that?" Ain, a girl with long blue hair, widened her eyes, and a look of panic appeared on her pretty face.

It was really terrifying. The giant black shadow ran fast on the shore, ignoring the naval battleships on the channel, and galloped straight towards the Holy Land.

Every time the giant shadow takes a next step, the ground 303 will vibrate slightly, and a dull loud noise will erupt.

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