Seeing this, Zefa left a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, and his pupils shrank suddenly, full of disbelief.

"Could it be that he is here? How is it possible, who can let this man take action?" He was shocked and felt incredible.

As a legendary general of the navy, no one knows better than him. Although the shadow is very vague, it cannot hide the domineering aura.

Whitebeard, who is known as the strongest man in the world, even came, which made his heart shake unbearably.

"You fire immediately, shelling the road ahead, don't waste the shells on that man, I'll stop him."

In an instant, Zefa didn't have time to think, and jumped off the battleship. After a few ups and downs, he landed on the shore on both sides of the channel.

On both sides of the steep waterway, like a cliff, the slope makes it difficult to stand, let alone fight.


Although he didn't know Zefa's intentions, Ain executed it unconditionally and immediately ordered dozens of naval warships to fire.

You must know that there are only ten warships equipped with the Demon Killing Order, but at this moment, the World Government has invested all its combat power, so that each channel is equipped with about [-] top-level warships.

Such a powerful force can easily destroy an island and a country in normal times.

But at this moment, it is too terrifying to be used to guard a channel.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Dozens of warships fired at the same time, and the scene was spectacular.

The cannonball spun and flew out, breaking through the obstacles of the thick fog, and fell in front of the giant shadow like a storm.

In an instant, a loud noise erupted, raging towards the weather, tearing apart the thick white fog, exposing the black shadow to everyone's sight.


After seeing the shadow clearly, everyone showed an incredible look.

White beard?

They never imagined that the man turned out to be the legendary Whitebeard.

"What is he doing here?"

Ain's shock couldn't be added, even if they had the power to destroy a country, they couldn't be sure to kill Whitebeard.

You know, the people in front of them have the power to destroy the world!

"Gula, it's still discovered by you, but for the future freedom of the sea, I don't have the patience to entangle with you!"

There was a dull sound in the distance, and Whitebeard slammed the Naginata in his hand, and the gust of wind swept through it, easily dissipating the burst of energy that came to him.

The surface of the naginata vibrated sharply, and ripples swayed in circles, like a hurricane, swept across it violently.


Before the hurricane arrived, dozens of naval warships were shaken by the overturned waters.

"Whitebeard, you are a pirate, what are you doing to join in the fun?"

At this moment, Zefa shouted, his arms covered with black domineering, and he punched out.


Naginata Hurricane collided with his fist, and a dull sound broke out.

The place shook, and the sea water boiled, unable to withstand the raging energy.

"Black Wrist Zefa? You can't stop me." Whitebeard's eyes narrowed slightly, and the light flowed.

Zefa looked indifferent, clenched his fists tightly, and confronted each other: "I can't do it alone, but all of us can always stop you, right?"

During the conversation, dozens of naval battleships landed with a rumble, and countless gun barrels were all aimed there.

With such ferocious firepower, no matter how powerful a person is, they cannot withstand the shock wave damage caused by the explosion.

"You really want to stop me?" Whitebeard's eyes were solemn, and the Naginata in his hand waved violently, pointing at Zefa and the others.

The invisible aura exudes, full of domineering and indomitable, this is the domineering aura that the strongest man in the world should have.

"Why stop you, shoot!"

Zefa smiled sternly, his powerful energy erupted, his body was covered with black domineering, and he rushed forward.

So at the same time, there was artillery fire on the channel, and the fire was soaring into the sky.


The shells landed on the sea water beside the naval battleship, blasting water columns hundreds of meters high, setting off huge waves.

"Ah... there is an enemy behind us, and that is the Whitebeard Pirates."

At this time, a soldier shouted and turned to look at the channel behind him, his face full of fear.

I saw the thick fog behind, looming, revealing the outlines of dozens of ships. This change was shocking.

Zefa's face changed drastically, and his forward figure was slightly stunned, dissatisfaction was unbelievable. "

"Gula, you guys, didn't you let you stay in the new world?"

Seeing this, Whitebeard's tone was reproachful, but warmth rose in his heart, and there was a little more sparkle in the corners of his eyes.

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