"Dad, how could we let you fight alone, you can go, leave it to us here."

Marco stood on the bow of the ship, his body was filled with gorgeous colorful flames, and he was extremely excited.

(The Pirate Roll is coming to an end!)

Chapter [-] Shocked by the power of Mary Joa! (third more)

The South China Sea Channel had changed, and the news was passed on to the Holy Land, and everyone was shocked.

"The Whitebeard Pirates even came. All the navy forces were pursued. Whitebeard came to the sanctuary alone. Zefa could only resist it with difficulty, hoping to delay it for a little longer."

This news, like a boulder thrown into the lake, caused quite a stir.

Who is Whitebeard?

They know better than anyone that that man, with overwhelming power, is recognized as the strongest man in the world, no one.

Back then, they were kings of the same era as One Piece Roger. They ruled the world without fear of any enemy.

Unexpectedly, Whitebeard would also make a move, which made Mary Joa's people have an unspeakable premonition in their hearts.

"Whitebeard alone can't resist. I don't know the waterway in other directions. How is the situation?"

Wu Lao Xing and Marshal Kong were silent, quietly waiting for news from other channels to arrive.

However, they didn't have to wait long, and information came again.

"The West Sea Passage, the slave army led by Pluto Leili broke through Lieutenant General Kuzan's fleet and is on its way to the Holy Land."

When the news came back, everyone was silent, feeling that something was wrong.

Wu Laoxing's complexion is even more gloomy and terrifying, his body exudes a suppressed aura, and his body seems to be dormant with a prehistoric beast, full of danger.

"Pluto Rayleigh was Roger's deputy back then. He also came. What does this mean?"

If the Red Hair Pirates were what they expected, then Rayleigh also appeared, which surprised everyone.

After all, that man was Roger's most capable deputy back then, and even his strength was comparable to Roger's.

"Quack, it's good to come here, then let's clear the obstacles to the stability of the world together!"

When the atmosphere was quite depressing, among the Five Old Stars, the old man in a suit with a golden back suddenly stood up, exuding a cold aura.

Hearing this, everyone was stunned for a moment, wondering if we have any other cards?

However, the bald-headed old man with the sword said in a cold voice: "Yes, although it was an accident, it did not affect the plan in any way."

"Let Vegapunk prepare, even if the Red Earth Continent is destroyed, they will never come back."

The other three also grinned and sneered, their sharp eyes glowing with bloodthirsty light.

"Is there any other way?" Marshal Sora asked with a shocked face.

At the beginning of the battle, he was only responsible for formulating strategic plans, but he did not receive other instructions. Now, the world government has other cards.

Wu Lao Xing was silent, then stood up and walked towards the tallest building in the sanctuary, leaving everyone stunned in place.


On the other side, the East China Sea Channel.

The navy fleet headed by the dog-headed battleship is extremely powerful, laying across the waterway, blocking the only way to go.

In front of them, dozens or hundreds of large warships marched silently, exuding a strong sense of slaughter.

"Lord Garp, the forces headed by the Revolutionary Army have about [-] elite soldiers."

The deputy was shocked and reported the news.

On the bow of the dog, Garp clenched his fists, his expression was extremely cold, and beside him, there were countless dark cannonballs.

The dull power sound of the battleship came from underwater, which was extremely depressing.

At this moment, the two fleets confronted each other silently, no one said a word, and looked at each other coldly.

On the battleship of the Revolutionary Army, Long was wearing a black robe and his eyes were heavy. Looking at the white-haired old man of the naval battleship in the distance, a trace of unbearableness rose in his heart.

"Do you want to attack?" Bartholomew came over and asked softly.

Long shook his head, "Our ultimate plan is to drag them without wasting any combat power."

On the other side, on the dog-headed battleship.

"Are you going to attack?" the deputy asked respectfully.

Karp shook his head: "No, our mission, as long as we block them, as for other things, we can't decide."

Hearing this, the deputy smiled bitterly, thinking that he had been fighting for ten minutes, and he was still silent, which was really incomprehensible...

The news of this channel was passed back to the Holy Land, which finally made people breathe a sigh of relief.

In fact, the plan formulated by the Navy Headquarters has never been an attack, but a defense, and no one will be let in.

The East China Sea Passage is the only direction that has not yet started a war until now.

"The South China Sea Passage Fleet is also facing off. Except for Whitebeard who came alone, the casualties are not serious."

"The West Sea Passage, our fleet was broken, but Rayleigh did not come in, but retreated."

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