Marshal Kong is extremely puzzled, this is too abnormal.

The direction of the West Sea is the force of the lieutenant general led by Kuzan. With such a powerful strength, he is almost not afraid of any force.

However, what came was not good news. It was actually broken by the slave army led by Rayleigh, which made people extremely anxious.

The only channel that caused a bloody storm was the South China Sea channel.

There was a great battle there, with countless casualties, and the sea was dyed red, very heroic.

"Haha, little red-haired, you can't pass my level with just you."

On a huge ship, Charlotte Lingling laughed loudly, grabbed the dessert in front of her with both hands, and said proudly to the enemy in front of her.

The Auntie 1.4 Pirates have as many as [-] pirate ships and [-] top-level warships donated by the World Government. They are undoubtedly the most powerful on the Four Seas Channel.

They have a large number of powerhouses, and almost the entire army is dispatched to guard the South China Sea waterway, which is like an iron wall, making people desperate.

"Shanks, what should I do now?" The fat man's face was elongated and looked very ugly, and he was not in the mood to eat the meat he was holding.

"What else can we do? The teacher asked us to come here. Even if we can't get in, don't let others look down on it." Shanks smiled bitterly, and helplessly spread his hands.

In the channel ahead, almost the most powerful combat power is deployed.

The bombardment of the shells alone made the enemy unable to advance half a step, which was beyond everyone's imagination.

Chapter [-] The emperor is coming! (fourth more)

In the Northern Sea Route, the battle situation was very fierce, no one gave a step back, and a strong will broke out.

Under the Red Hair Pirates, more than a dozen pirate ships were scattered in the channel. They did not dare to gather, and panicked to avoid the falling of the shells.

"Boom!" "Boom!"


The fire was soaring into the sky, filled with a strong smell of gunpowder, and the sound of explosions reverberated endlessly.

The shells fell on the sea, the waves rolled, and the ships were unable to stabilize.

The attack of the Red-haired Pirates was blocked, unable to move forward half a step, and finally returned to the place in embarrassment, which was extremely difficult.

"Retreat, don't collide with them head-on, we are weak in terms of weapons and numbers from the beginning."

Shanks was full of distress and annoyed in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

Because there are too many warships on the other side, ten warships can destroy an island, let alone as many as fifty, almost covering the entire channel.

"Haha, little red hair, do you want to run away? I don't want to come here when I want to, and leave when I want to leave."

Seeing that the Red-haired Pirates were defeated, Auntie grinned, revealing her sinister teeth, as if she saw a delicious 21 dessert.

Next, under the command of Baron Dandan, fifty warships attacked at the same time to annihilate the entire army of Red Hair.

"As long as my mother can clean up the North Sea Passage, after the Emperor Zhenwu is put to death, my mother will become one of the six old stars." Baron Eggy said with a smile.

"Don't be silly, it's better for them to lose both. At that time, the whole world will be ours."

The aunt was very disdainful and sneered: "The words of men are not credible. It is best to let them kill themselves. When the time comes, clean up these little devils and kill them all."

Sitting on fifty top-level warships, she is very confident, and she has overwhelming power in the face of the navy in its heyday.

It would be the best if the World Government and Zhenwu Emperor could both lose out.

Even if either side wins, it will suffer heavy losses. At that time, how can it still be her opponent.

Thinking of this, the aunt laughed even more crazy, saliva flowed, and pointed at the red-haired pirates and shouted: "Quickly clean up these little bugs, the life of the crew of One Piece must be delicious."

Baron Eggy's face was dignified, his forehead was covered in cold sweat, and he said quickly: "All firepower attacks, don't stop, and end this boring battle as soon as possible."

After hearing Aunt's wild vision, he was shocked, and at the same time, he had lost patience with the battle in front of him.

The Red-haired Pirates only have more than ten battleships, and they are pirates that have only risen in the past few years. Compared with them, they obviously do not have enough background.


Fifty top-level warships were fully launched, the waves were divided, and the majestic momentum was as terrifying as beasts.

"Captain, what should we do?" The deputy captain felt a headache and was extremely frightened.

Shanks raised his hand and held the saber at his waist, his eyes full of pride: "Then, it's time for us to test the results of our practice during this period of time."

While speaking, he lifted his feet off the ground and slowly floated up, exuding majestic energy from his body, sweeping around him.

Seeing this scene, the pirates who were in the Chambord Archipelago suddenly brightened their eyes, and their bodies also burst out with invisible energy.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Dozens of people erupted into a rush of energy, interweaving a majestic fighting spirit.

"Teacher's way of true martial arts is truly miraculous. With this air dance, it can really come and go like the wind."

"Yes, it's really my luck to meet a mysterious powerhouse like Teacher!"

Everyone grinned and looked at the oncoming fleet with no fear on their faces.

"Well, you follow me to attack, and the others stay away from here."

Shanks stood against the wind, holding the hilt of the sword in his right hand, and the cloak fluttered behind his back, full of powerful beliefs.

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