When the pirates saw this, the ship immediately turned around and left without any hesitation, because they knew how tragic the next battle would be.

"Haha, these little ghosts are so interesting, thinking that if they fly, my mother can't help you?"

The aunt grinned, and a cold light flashed across her wrist, exuding strange fluctuations.

The invisible energy penetrated into the world, making the weather in this sea area a little abnormal.

"Knock them down for my mother, don't waste my mother's time."

With the aunt's order, fifty top warships fired artillery shells at the same time.

The rumbling sound was endless, and countless artillery shells flew out, densely packed, like a violent storm, covering all the dozens of people in the sky.

There are too many shells, all directions, the sky and the ground, all the space is occupied.

"Damn, it seems that we are still underestimating the enemy."

Looking at the oncoming spectacular scene, Shanks smiled bitterly, his tone revealing helplessness.

"It's not your fault that the captain said something stupid. Since the teacher asked us to attack this channel, there must be his reasons."

Seeing this, the others roared, without the slightest fear on their faces.

680 Because in their eyes, Emperor Zhenwu has become a belief in their hearts, and even if they die, they cannot shake their belief in their hearts.

Just as the cannonball was about to hit him, a faint voice descended from heaven and earth.

"Sure enough, I almost went to the wrong place here!"

As the voice fell, a cyan figure appeared out of thin air in front of the torrential cannonball.

With his hands on his back, his figure was dusty, his black hair was flying, and he stood in front of everyone.

Although the figure is slightly thin, but when everyone looked at his back, they had the illusion of high mountains and great mountains, as if a mighty city wall shielded them from the wind and rain.


The next moment, Shanks and the others exclaimed with shock on their faces.

Unexpectedly, at such a moment, Li Zhenwu would suddenly appear here, which is simply too shocking.

"This is Emperor Zhenwu..."

On the pirate ship below, there were continuous exclamations.

They were so shocked, they were full of awe for the man standing in the sky, and they almost worshipped.

"True martial arts...?"

The cake held in the aunt's hand fell to the ground with a clatter, and the whole person was like a statue, stiff in place.

Chapter [-] Pushing the Big Mom Pirates! (fifth more)


Li Zhenwu seemed to turn a blind eye to the cannonball in front of him and spoke lightly.

The next moment, in the shock of countless pairs of eyes, all the roaring shells were frozen in the air and suspended half a meter in front of him. The scene was quite spectacular.

"Damn it, is this Emperor Zhenwu?"

"As expected of the captain's teacher, he simply follows the law."

"Hey, now it's the turn of the Big Mom Pirates to be afraid."

Everyone in the red-haired pirates exclaimed, with a look of shock on their faces.

Carrying his hands on his back and following his words without even moving his fingers, he dissolves the power that can destroy a country.

Such a terrifying power, like a god descending, mighty and mighty.

The Big Mom Pirates, Baron Dandan was stunned, the whole person was petrified, and he couldn't react at all.

"he came!"

After a while, he opened his mouth dully, still in disbelief, and a look of despair appeared in his heart.

You must know that in the Capital of Water, he had dealt with Li Zhenwu. At that time, Li Zhenwu made him feel the palpitations of facing his mother.

But now facing Li Zhenwu, as if facing a god, his heart was beating violently.

"Damn, it's this man who refused my mother's marriage request, right?"

Suddenly, the aunt stomped her feet angrily, leaving her mouth full of saliva, looking at Li Zhenwu's eyes, full of greed.

Hearing her words, everyone around was startled.

That's Emperor Zhenwu, isn't she afraid of angering her?

However, the aunt didn't seem to care, her eyes were bright, and she laughed: "Li Zhenwu, my mother's daughter, there is no match for you, so she ruthlessly refused."

When the voice fell, everyone petrified, opened their mouths, and their chins almost fell to the ground.

Hearing this, Li Zhenwu glanced at the other party lightly, looked indifferent, and said, "You are not worthy of having anything to do with me."

While speaking, he raised his hand and pointed towards the void.


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