Immediately, an invisible force emanated, and a powerful repulsive force erupted, sending all the cannonballs in the air.

Countless artillery shells, wrapped in the whistling sound of the wind, retreated and fell towards the dozens of warships of the opponent.

"Ah..." Someone screamed, his tone full of despair.

They couldn't imagine how many of their battleships would be left when the sky-like shells fell.

For a time, despair appeared in the hearts of everyone, everyone was afraid, rampaged, and wanted to jump into the sea and escape.

At this moment, the aunt's voice came, extremely hoarse, with a strong killing intent.

"You have angered the old lady. In front of the natural weather, no matter what gods you are, they will all be buried in the sea."

She roared in the sky, and the light on her wrist became even brighter.


The surrounding airflow changed suddenly, the sea surface was choppy, and the wind was howling, blowing everyone up and down.

"Go back to me."

As the aunt's voice fell, in front of her, a hurricane formed, one after another, very spectacular.

When the shells that flew back came into contact with the hurricane, they were immediately rolled up, and flew backwards again while spinning.

Seeing this scene, Li Zhenwu raised a smile at the corners of his mouth, and said lightly, "That's right, control the energy of foreign objects based on your own abilities."

Immediately afterwards, he slowly stretched out his right hand, clenched his five fingers into a fist, and blasted it out suddenly.

As the fist fell and smashed into the void, invisible vibration ripples filled the air, the space could not bear it, and it shattered into countless pieces with a click.


The next moment, when the cannonball hit the shattered space, it exploded with a bang, and the fire soared into the sky, burning the sky.

The air waves rolled, the smoke filled the sky, countless cannonballs erupted, and the scorching temperature burned, as dazzling as the sun.

Shanks and the others were blown upside down by the strong wind, their pupils were shocked, their pupils reflected the scene in front of them, and they were shocked and speechless.

"I feel that the teacher seems to be stronger again." He swallowed hard, his tone trembling.

"Well, looking at the teacher's back is like looking at the center of the world, and we all become small."

The others nodded in agreement, their hearts were equally frightened, what a terrifying strength.


When all the shells exploded, Li Zhenwu waved his hand lightly and punched again.

The fist winds like thunder, swooping down, containing majestic strength.

Seeing this, the members of the Big Mom Pirates immediately took action and wanted to join forces to resist.

However, as soon as they came into contact, their complexions changed drastically, and then in the horrified eyes of everyone, their bodies were disintegrated, turned into a void and dissipated between heaven and earth.


When the fist mark passed through the blockade of everyone and arrived on the battleship, it broke out immediately, easily destroying a battleship.

too frightening.

Everyone was stunned and couldn't believe it, this is the power that human beings should have.

Hundreds of people joined forces, but none of them could resist each other's punch.

"Ah... the old lady is going to kill you!"

The aunt roared wildly, her eyes were red, and her whole body burst out with a majestic momentum.

However, Li Zhenwu remained silent, raised his hand and punched out, as an answer to the other party.

The fist marks were unparalleled, destroying the dry and rotten, and smashed on the aunt. The huge body flew out directly and smashed several battleships.

"Is this still a human?" Shanks and the others were stunned.

Even if it is not an enemy, it feels terrifying, completely petrified, and the atmosphere does not dare to breathe.

This is a battle of disparity in strength. Under Li Zhenwu's unparalleled punch, there is no one-to-one enemy that swept the fleet of the Big Mom Pirates of the North Sea.

The scene was so tragic.

Li Zhenwu was fearless, and every punch he landed was accompanied by the destruction of a battleship.

The wreckage of the battleship floated on the sea, and the cries of those who fell into the water were very strong and iron-blooded.

The news here was passed back to the Holy Land, and the two of the Marshal Konggu and Warring States were silent for a full minute before taking a deep breath.

"he came!"

"Emperor Zhenwu finally made his move."

The two exclaimed at the same time, looked at each other, and both saw the despair in each other's eyes.

Fifty warships, since they had no resistance, were destroyed by Li Zhenwu alone!

What kind of terrifying power is this?

Chapter [-] Holy Land Crisis!

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