The news on other channels was also shocked for a long time. The originally high fighting spirit was also drowned out by the prestige of Zhenwu Great Emperor.

After all, he is the only person who can force the world government to such an extent for thousands of years.

"We can't leave the hotel, we need to buy more time for the Holy Land."

In the South China Sea Passage, Ain's fair face was covered with frost, and his eyes flashed with determination.

The other navy soldiers, while frightened in their hearts, also felt that the battle situation was beyond control.

Originally, the Four Seas Channels contained each other, but now that the Northern Sea Channel has been eliminated, if the other party has more combat power, it will be much more difficult for them.

Garp in the East China Sea Channel, with gloomy eyes, stared at the revolutionary warship quietly floating in the sea ahead, not knowing what he was thinking.

"As soon as the real martial arts come out, who will compete with him?" He sighed in his heart. After all, he still couldn't bear to take action, so he could only stand in silence and prevent the revolutionary army from advancing further.

However, he did not know that Long, the leader of the revolutionary army, thought so too.

"Mr. Li has already taken action, we just need to restrain the old man, and the task is basically completed."

The Bartholomew bear next to him nodded in agreement.

If there is a real war, the navy headed by the Revolutionary Army and Garp will definitely be very tragic.

But now that's fine, at least there's no need to go to war, both sides have 073 scruples, and obviously they don't want to waste unnecessary losses.

On the Western Sea Passage, the formation of the navy was broken and could not prevent an effective defense at all.

"Ice Age!"

In the end, Kuzan was so angry that he completely froze the sea, which slowed down the attack of the slave army.

The sea was icy cold, and the fire shone through the sky, reflecting a cold light.

"With Pluto Rayleigh, it is very difficult for us to annihilate them. We can only try our best to defend and minimize our own Internet access."

Taotu's figure is graceful, and the cloak is raised behind her back. The whole person is heroic and has a more mature temperament.

Just now, they already knew that the Big Mom Pirates of the Northern Sea Channel had been annihilated by Li Zhenwu.

In order to prevent Rayleigh and the others from reaching the Holy Land, this is the only solution.

"Boss Rayleigh, the navy is too ruthless, and it is very difficult for our people to attack."

On the opposite side, on the sturdy sea, a burly man murmured and looked extremely distressed.

Rayleigh waved his hand and smiled faintly: "Then don't attack, just confront them. Our mission is complete."

Beside him, three girls stood, extremely quiet at the moment.

Hearing the news of the Northern Sea Route, his big eyes twinkled with curiosity, and his heart was filled with infinite admiration for Emperor Zhenwu.


At the top of the red soil continent, the Holy Land Mary Joa.

Wu Laoxing walked out of the huge building with a very ugly face.

"Whitebeard is ready to come, let's welcome it!" The bald-headed old man with a sword said lightly, his tone was very indifferent.

"This man, we can do it!" Marshal Kong said with a sullen face.

At this moment, the atmosphere of the Holy Land was quite depressing, as if on the eve of the storm, people felt invisible pressure.

The five old stars nodded and did not object. They entered the tall building and prepared their cards, so they were not afraid.

Suddenly, the Warring States reported in a deep voice: "Just now there is news that the North Sea Channel has returned, and the channel where the Big Mom Pirates were stationed was destroyed by Emperor Zhenwu alone."

The voice fell!

The field fell silent, a dead silence.

Wu Laoxing's complexion changed dramatically, from the fearless just now to a hint of panic.

"Emperor Zhenwu, is he so powerful?"

They couldn't believe that the Big Mom Pirates, with fifty battleships, didn't even have the ability to resist.

What a terrifying power this is!

"The [-] value revealed in the last test does not seem to be his limit."

"The Holy Land is in danger!"

Wu Laoxing no longer regained his composure, his expression was rather solemn, and a huge wave had already set off in his heart.

"Hopefully, as Vega Punk expected, it can really replicate ancient weapons!"

This thought popped into everyone's heart.

At this time, they can only hope for this.


At this moment, the town in the distance shook, with houses collapsing and smoke billowing, obscuring the sky.

"Whitebeard, why do you want to go your own way? Don't you even want your life?"

I only heard Zefa's roar, accompanied by a loud noise, and a large area of ​​the town was destroyed, turning into ruins in the blink of an eye.

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