"Gula, what's the harm in letting my son sail the sea freely without sacrificing my life?"

Whitebeard was like a giant, and the Naginata cut through, unstoppable.

The vibration wave was transmitted, and all the matter could not bear it, cracks appeared in the space, and a powerful force erupted.

Possessing overwhelming power, it is impossible to resist.

Zefa tried his best, but only slightly delayed the opponent's footsteps, and he couldn't stop it at all.

"Absurd, simply absurd, a sea without a navy would be in chaos instead of freedom as you think."

"I have a feeling he can do it."

White Beard laughed loudly, and he swept thousands of troops by one person, running like a rush of hills, invincible.

The buildings of the town were destroyed, and everywhere they passed, the broken walls were all turned into ruins.

"Transform into the form of a Buddha!"

The Warring States roared, his figure skyrocketed, golden rays of light flowed all over his body, and he charged forward in a majestic manner.

"It's really presumptuous, a pirate wants to attack the Holy Land." Marshal Kong said in a cold voice, and there was a thunderous sound from his bones and flesh, and the whole person attacked like an arrow.

The two shot violently, shaking the world, causing Whitebeard to feel the pressure greatly increased.


This place was bombed, and Whitebeard fought three people alone, still strong, and no one dared to fight.

"Gula, you are willing to be the running dogs of the world government, then I will blow up this so-called holy place in front of you."

The white beard laughed loudly, and clenched the Naginata in both hands. Invisible ripples emanated from his body, spreading in all directions.

next moment!

The Naginata swung out, and the space was like a mirror, shattering inch by inch, spreading towards the place where the Five Old Stars were.

Chapter [-] The final battle! (Second more)

Seeing this scene, everyone turned pale with shock, and immediately tried their best to block this terrifying power.

Whitebeard made a strong move, and was unparalleled in courage, holding Zefa, Sengoku, and Marshal Kong under control, and could not take half a step.

"Whitebeard, if there is a chance, I will brutally kill all the members of your pirate group." Marshal Kong was furious and threatened with a low growl.

"You can't be forgiven!" Warring States yelled, the golden streamer on his body became even brighter.

"This world, it is because of your existence that we appear." Zefa's eyes were cold and fierce, and he was mad with hatred.

However, Whitebeard just sneered and waved the Naginata, and a powerful vibration wave erupted, shaking them all back.


The vibration wave slashed out by the Naginata smashed all the buildings along the way and hit the end.

Seeing that the Five Old Stars were about to be hit, everyone in the world government and the navy showed their despair.

Suddenly, the bald old man with the knife took a step forward, his face was indifferent, and the hand holding the hilt of the knife turned slightly.

"You want our lives with your white beard? It's ridiculous."

The next moment, the dazzling light of the sword lit up, and the sword intent shot into the sky, like the Milky Way rewinding, facing the vibration wave and falling down.


A loud bang erupted, smoke billowed, and the sky was obscured.

too suddenly!

Before everyone could react, the vibration wave shot by the white beard was broken by the bald old man.

The strong wind blew away the smoke and dust, revealing five tall old men.

Their expressions were indifferent, the corners of their mouths raised a smile, and they looked at the white beard contemptuously, as if they were silently mocking, with a little more arrogance.

"It turns out that the Five Old Stars are so powerful!"

"It seems that we have been saved, what Zhenwu Emperor must have come and gone."

"Looking at Whitebeard's face, I can't hide the grief in my heart."

Those naval soldiers stationed in the Holy Land and the fighting power of the World Government had smiles on their faces, and a big stone fell in their hearts.

You know, from the bald old man, everyone clearly felt that he was a strong man no less than the white beard.

Looking at the calm expressions of the five old stars, there is no doubt that they have the same strength as the white beard.

With such a terrifying combat power, they suddenly felt some sympathy for the arrival of Emperor Zhenwu.

"Several adults!"

The three of them in the Warring States period were also extremely shocked.

Although I knew they were strong, I never thought they would be so strong.

It is no wonder that the behemoth organization of the World Government can easily operate in their hands. It turns out that this is the biggest foundation.

"You continue, don't worry about us." The white long-haired old man glanced at the white beard lightly and said.

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