As his voice fell, the field instantly fell silent.

Everyone in the navy and the government turned their heads and looked over with curiosity in their eyes.

Because until now, they didn't know what the five old stars' so-called hole cards were.

Now that I heard what Li Zhenwu said, I suddenly realized it, but I still expressed doubts and didn't know what effect it was.

On the other hand, Wu Laoxing's expression changed. He looked at Li Zhenwu in disbelief, and his eyes showed horror.

"how do you know?"

They are too shocked, invisible and mysterious radio waves, humans can't know it at all, and naturally they can't crack it.

But Li Zhenwu, but he said it right away, which made people have a bad premonition in their hearts.

Sure enough, Li Zhenwu smiled faintly: "Have you forgotten that I am still the one with the ability to ring the Thunder Fruit. I have known since your radio waves were turned on."

The faint voice echoed in the field, like the death knell of the god of death, hitting everyone's heart.

"But I'm going to disappoint you too, and at the same time, I'd like to thank you."

"If you hadn't turned on the radio wave device, I'm afraid I would never have imagined that the Thunder Fruit could be developed in this direction."

Li Zhenwu's words made everyone puzzled and looked completely confused.

However, only Wu Laoxing's complexion changed drastically, and he could no longer remain calm. His pupils shrank, showing unprecedented despair.

"Then, let me help you get started now!" Li Zhenwu grinned, revealing a set of snow-white teeth.

As his voice fell, the Red Earth Continent suddenly shook slightly.

The accident happened suddenly, and everyone was stunned, completely unaware of what was going on.

"This vibration does not come from the bottom, but from the outside."

Warring States was full of shock, turned his head to look at Whitebeard, and found that Whitebeard was still standing on the spot and did not shoot.

Not only him, but other people as well. In an instant, he thought of this powerhouse with the ability to shake the fruit.

"Quick, kill him, or we will all die."

At this moment, Wu Laoxing shouted and shot out brazenly. He was incomparably strong, and instantly crossed a distance of hundreds of meters and came to Li Zhenwu.


The five people broke out in a shocking situation, and each of them was filled with a color, bright and dazzling, with a mysterious luster flowing.

At this moment, they stepped on different positions, interweaving a majestic force, like the center of chaos, full of great will.

The gold is bright, the red is dazzling, the blue is deep, the cyan is warm, and the earthy yellow is heavy.

Five different powers allow them to work together to produce a power that is a hundred times greater than their own.

At this moment, the world will change color.


Seeing this, Li Zhenwu clenched his fists tightly, and his body was filled with arrogance, from golden arrogance to sea blue.

In a short while, the originally dark hair strands drifted like waves of sea water, exuding a faint blue light.

"Super Saiyan God!"

Li Zhenwu opened his mouth lightly, and slowly extended his right hand. The dazzling light in his palm condensed, instantly forming a fist-sized ball of light.

The ball of light is dazzling, exuding terrifying power, and the surrounding space is shattered...

"The five elements form, let alone keep you alive."

The voice fell, and the ball of light broke away from the control of the palm and flew out suddenly, like a miniature sun, illuminating thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.


The space is constantly shattered, turning into a dark road, spreading all the way to the Five Old Stars.

"This is……"

Seeing this scene, Wu Laoxing's face turned pale, his eyes widened, and his body seemed to be petrified in place, motionless.

In fact, it's not that they don't want to move, but that Li Zhenwu's energy is too terrifying.

Direct suppression, instantly submerged by the ball of light.


Finally, when it landed on the tall building, a loud noise erupted, and smoke rose into the sky, covering the sky.

Everything no longer exists.

The building that symbolized the world government, as well as the supreme power holder of the world government, turned into nothingness in an instant.

It was shocking, my mind went blank, I couldn't believe it.

"It's your turn now." Li Zhenwu looked indifferent, turned his head slowly, and looked at everyone else in the field.

His aura is not strong, and the quiet blue arrogance is quite coquettish, but everyone can clearly feel it.

Li Zhenwu at this moment is absolutely dangerous and can easily destroy the whole world.

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