In the face of people who can easily destroy the world, can they resist?

"2.7 What exactly do you want?" Zefa closed his eyes, distraught.

There is nothing more hurtful than the ruthless destruction of the faith represented.

Not only him, except for the white beard, almost everyone in the field was desperate and powerless, as if they had been taken out of time.

Li Zhenwu lowered his head, stared at the ground, and suddenly grinned: "I want this place to disappear, and the city walls that block this world can't be left."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked and felt like their hearts were about to stop.

If someone else said it, they would definitely laugh at its madness, and even suspect that there is something wrong with the head.

But the man in front of him is Li Zhenwu, who surpasses the power of the gods, and can kill the five old stars who have reached the realm of the gods by raising his hand at will.

Chapter [-] Set the heaven and earth! (fourth more)

Red Earth Continent, Holy Land Mary Joa.

Li Zhenwu carried his hands on his back, turned his head slightly, his eyes fell on the Warring States and the others, his eyes were as deep as stars, and he could not see any waves.

The vast star-like gaze made the Warring States and the others terrified, and they all bowed their heads, not daring to look at them.

Zefa was powerless to loosen his fists and looked tired, "If it's good for this world, I won't have the slightest complaint."

The world government no longer exists, and their fate cannot be resisted at all, they can only be left to fate.

Li Zhenwu said lightly: "Submit, or die!"

The sound reverberated and was transmitted far away, and everyone in the whole world could hear it clearly.

There were people in the Holy Land who had witnessed everything and spread the news, shocking the people who were still resisting.

At this moment, when he heard Li Zhenwu's words, he didn't even have the last bit of fighting spirit, so they stopped fighting and stopped blocking them.

"He still did it." On the West Sea Channel, Rayleigh looked up at the top of the red earth continent, dazed.

Not only him, but also the Navy.

That voice contained mighty majesty, resounded through the sky, and swayed between heaven and earth.

"That's amazing. It seems that I don't need to participate in this boring battle anymore." Taotu is tall and slender, and her beautiful eyes glow with a strange light.

Everyone knows that the world government from today will be a thing of the past.

In the future, it is the era of Zhenwu, surpassing all living beings and being detached and refined.


At this time, the entire sea roared, the huge waves rolled, and the horror was abnormal.

The four seas and waterways, as well as the former holy places, all those who participated in the world-changing events, and residents from all over the world, all showed their horrified eyes.

Even on the Holy Land, Whitebeard's face was full of shock, he couldn't believe that there was such a terrifying ability in the world.

I saw the vast ocean, and countless huge creatures appeared on the surface of the water. They towered into the clouds, connected to the sky, and exuded a terrifying aura.

The scales are dense, with a cold glow, washed by the water, emitting a serious light.

Too much!

It is densely packed, from all over the world, constantly coming in the direction of the red earth continent, as if the army is crossing the border, shocking the world.

"Sea Kings?" Whitebeard exclaimed, his voice distorted, his heart skipped a beat, and he almost couldn't hold the Naginata in his hand.

This picture is so shocking.

Countless sea kings emerged from the bottom of the water, huge bodies, bigger than islands, comparable to a vast land.

The huge head is like an island, there is no end in sight, and the eyes are like the sun, impacting everyone's hearts.

At this moment, they are gathered on the red soil continent, standing on their bodies, can see the direction of the Holy Land, and their eyes are all on the blue silhouette.

"We are willing to surrender!"

Mysterious radio waves are emitted from the bodies of these sea kings and transmitted to the world.

Even if they don't understand their words, after spiritual transmission, everyone can clearly understand their meaning.


With the messy radio waves emitting intermittently, everyone was shocked.


The sea kings gathered from all over the world, just for the man's words, so that the entire race would bow their heads?

You know, their bodies stand upright, and they can easily destroy an island with one paw.

The winding and spreading body can almost connect the sky and the ground. It is the largest creature in this world, and it is almost invincible.

But at this moment, under the leadership of the largest sea king, all bowed their heads, and the voice in the radio waves was full of endless respect.

"I'm not dreaming? Emperor Zhenwu, can he communicate with the Sea Kings?"

In the hearts of everyone, the shock can no longer be added, and the hearts will be washed numb.

Even if the world government is destroyed, they can still understand, after all, Li Zhenwu's strength is powerful and surpasses all living beings.

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