However, it is really incomprehensible that even the kings of the sea, such as the sea kings, have come to bow their heads and bow their heads.

Li Zhenwu's face was indifferent, his eyes did not waver, and he replied lightly: "This sea will be handed over to you to maintain stability in the future."

"Understood Master!"

The radio waves came, and all the sea kings nodded respectfully, and then slowly sank to the bottom of the sea with a rumbling sound.

"I... we surrender too!" Zefa looked sad, and there was a glint in his eyes.

The navy he led all surrendered.

Because maintaining the stability of the ocean is the goal of their navy, but I am afraid that it is unprecedented to be able to control the sea kings.

Even the ancient sea kings couldn't do it, because Li Zhenwu did not communicate with the sea kings, but directly surrendered this race and completely became his slave.

This is really terrifying. There is no one in the past, and I am afraid that there will be no one in the future.

"Dashan!" Li Zhenwu nodded, then looked at Warring States and Gang Gu·kong.

The picture just now has broken everyone's mind, and at this moment there is no heart to resist.

"We surrender too!"

090's exhausted tone came from the mouths of Warring States and Gang Gu. Kong, their eyes were complicated, and they no longer had the heart to fight.

The surrender of the Sea Kings shattered all hope.

You must know that if you want to fight in the future, I am afraid that if you go to sea, you will be chased by countless sea kings, which is not a level of strength at all.

"In this case, you lead everyone to leave, this continent, starting today, will cease to exist."

As Li Zhenwu's voice fell, everyone evacuated.

The enemy who just returned the life and death to you, but now they support each other and leave the four seas.

At the end of the sky, hundreds of warships appeared side by side, and on the deck, countless eyes stared at the red earth continent for a moment.


It erupted with a loud bang.

The faint blue light is like the rising sun, and the majestic power blesses the red earth continent under him.

Let this natural barrier that blocked the world a few years ago collapse suddenly and gradually sink to the bottom of the sea.

I don't know how long this process will take, but when the sea level calms down, the smoke and dust dissipate, and everything ceases to exist.

"In the name of Zhenwu, I will set the heavens and the earth!"

The faint voice echoed between heaven and earth, and it never dissipated for a long time.

Chapter [-]: Prehistoric task? (End of Pirates)

A mysterious space crack, exuding colorful streamers, hazy atmosphere, enveloped all directions up and down.


Suddenly, a figure in a green shirt broke in, carrying his hands on his back and walking calmly.

"The core of this world is that devil fruit tree."

Li Zhenwu raised his head and looked at a vigorous ancient tree [-] meters high, with divine light shining in his eyes.

The ancient trees are vigorous and powerful, their trunks are covered with mysterious textures, and the separate branches are thousands of meters long, on which they bear magical fruits.

Around it, countless tiny cracks opened, then healed again.

These space cracks lead to all parts of the world. When the fruit ripens and falls, it will randomly land anywhere in the world from the space cracks.

Rooted in chaos, growing by absorbing the origin of the world, all natural rules are regarded as the nutrients of fruit trees.

It is a veritable devil fruit tree, and it is also the source of magical power for the user.

"Fruit of chaos divides the five elements. Unexpectedly, the five old stars can split the energy of a fruit." Li Zhenwu sighed with emotion.

The existence of the Five Old Stars is because of this fruit, every time it appears, it will be collected by the world government.

Then through a strange method, it is broken down into five kinds of energy, so that five people can take it.

At the top of the fruit tree, a vaguely chaotic fruit exudes shocking energy fluctuations.

"Well, that's dark fruit, that's rockberry fruit..."

Li Zhenwu was dazzled when he saw that the tree was full of fruit, no matter what was in the illustrated fruit book or not, it was all here.

However, other fruits have no effect on him.

Only the fruit of the five elements has entered the eyes of the law a little.

The turbulent flow in space doesn't know the years, but Li Zhenwu can clearly sense that after half a month...

"Haha, finally mature."

Li Zhenwu laughed, sucked the fruit of the Five Elements directly, and swallowed it in one bite.

Immediately afterwards, before the curse spread, it was easily destroyed by the majestic power of true martial arts in the body.


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