But now, there is someone in front of them who speaks recklessly and wants to become the Lord of the Great Desolation, which is definitely a slap in the face.

Di Jun looked indifferent, and suddenly said contemptuously, "Just you?"

Hearing this, Kunpeng and Qiangliang both sneered, although they had to admit Li Zhenwu's strength.

But there are so many ancient gods in the prehistoric wasteland, each of which is not a good stubble, but survived from the sea of ​​corpses and blood.

Even when the two Lich clans compete for hegemony, although the high-level combat power determines everything, there are countless subordinates who are also the best managers of expanding forces.

"No!" Li Zhenwu shook his head and said lightly, "It depends on me and the human race!"

The voice fell, and the three people in the sky were stunned for a moment.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The next moment, everyone burst into laughter, and even the old guy who was hidden from the world shook his head secretly at this moment.

The saints were also stunned when they heard the words, and finally ignored them.

"It's really whimsical, the human race is weak, what virtue can it be, and can become the master of the flood?"

Di Jun suddenly didn't rush to take action, because he found that this Huangkou child with good strength had a bit of interest in his mind.

"The human race will become the masters of heaven and earth? I almost believed it." Qiangliang grinned, and his heart was straight.

In this regard, Li Zhenwu remained silent, and suddenly felt a trace of sympathy for the two clans in his heart.

The two lich clans are not strong enough, but in the end, the two clans are only making wedding gowns for the human race.

Don't look at the disaster that the human race has encountered at the moment, but it is only temporary.

"The human race is booming, this is an unstoppable trend."

At this moment, the sound of vicissitudes suddenly came from the quaint Taoist temple.

As the voice fell, I saw the door of the Taoist Temple, which opened with a creaking sound, and a white-haired old Taoist walked out accompanied by two Taoist boys.

The person who came was Zhen Yuanzi, who possessed the innate spiritual treasure book, and was a rare good-natured man among the quasi-sages in the prehistoric desert.

He was immortal, holding a whisk in his hand, and his eyes fell on Li Zhenwu, with a few complex colors flashing in his eyes.

"Elder Zhenyuan, you are finally willing to come out!" Di Jun turned into a human figure, with a golden robe on his body, and the sky was mighty.

"Quack..." Qiang Liang sneered again and again, his body shrunken and turned into a three-meter tall bald man with two yellow snakes wrapped around his arms.

They didn't take action immediately, because if Zhen Yuanzi was unwilling, no one could take the human race from his universe.

"I've seen fellow Daoist!"

However, Zhen Yuanzi directly ignored the two and said hello to Li Zhenwu.

"Zhenyuan Daxian is polite!" Li Zhenwu restrained his arrogance.

"A friend of the Taoist race?"


"So that's the case. With friends around, Lao Dao won't mind his own business."

While speaking, Zhen Yuanzi flung his sleeves and fluttered in the wind, turning into a length of ten thousand feet, and invisible fluctuations appeared.

The next moment, there were more than [-] people on the spot, and they all looked around with puzzled faces.

"what happened?"

"What happened just now, why are we all in a dark space?"

"That's what we saw after death. We must be dead now."

As soon as the crowd appeared, they immediately started talking.

However, when they saw the Taoist temple behind them, they couldn't help being stunned, their eyes full of incredible.

"We are not dead. It is said that Zhenyuan Daxian has the universe in his sleeve. We must have been saved by him."

"Great, finally saved."

After days of running away, they were desperate. At this moment, they finally saw hope.

But when he turned his head, he saw the three figures in the sky, exuding a cold aura, and looking at them was like a beast seeing its beloved prey.

"What's going on? That's the demon clan Emperor Jun and Kunpeng, and the bald man, it should be Zu Wu Qiangliang."

Someone roared, with a tragic expression, thinking of the tragic death of their relatives, and couldn't help shedding two lines of tears.

For the two lich clans, they can be said to be full of hatred, even for the Virgin Nuwa, they also have complaints.

Human race, it's really miserable.

Saints do not love, they are not taught when they are born, they do not love the Dao, they are inherently weak, and they do not have the divine way of being a lich. They are as small as ants.

"Don't be sad, this is the great man of your human race. With him there, you don't have to be ravaged anymore."

Zhen Yuanzi couldn't bear to see the sadness of everyone, and sighed.

Hearing his words, all the people of the human race turned their heads and looked over, only to see the youth in green beside Zhen Yuanzi, who was no different from them.

However, there is a fluffy tail facing the back, which is very eye-catching.

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