"My name is Li Zhenwu, and from today, I will be the guardian of your human race." Li Zhenwu said lightly.

Looking at the miserable human beings, they were full of anger, and they were about to break through the sky.

"If Daxian can protect my human race, he can become the father of my race."

In the crowd, a big man with disheveled hair walked out. Although he was skinny, his eyes were bright.

Seeing this, Li Zhenwu asked, "Who are you?"

"My name is Shennong, and I am an elder of a certain tribe!" The man named Shennong said respectfully.

Shennong tasted all kinds of herbs and died in a foreign land?

Li Zhenwu's eyelids jumped, and he almost exclaimed, this is one of the ancestors of the later generations of mankind.

"Enough is enough, now let me take charge of the law of the Emperor of Heaven and destroy this human race."

At this moment, the cold voice of the demon emperor Jun came, and he held the Haitu Luoshu in both hands, exuding a heavy breath.

"Humans, we must die." Qiang Liang grinned, holding the big hand of the yellow snake, covered with pale lightning.

The voice fell, and the two swooped down, rushing towards the more than [-] people on the ground below.

In order to prepare for the future Lich War, they also fought hard, directly tearing their faces and making a bold move.

"With the old man here, don't want to hurt the human race."

Zhen Yuanzi snorted coldly, a hint of determination flashed in his eyes.


As his voice fell, a khaki-yellow light suddenly rose from the earth, like a mist, pervading millions of miles.

Chapter [-] Hetu Luoshu! (Second more)

The hazy earth-yellow light is the fetal membrane of the earth, with a high defensive power.

Zhenyuanzi relied on the book of the earth, so he could remain undefeated under the sage, so that he could travel freely for thousands of years without falling.

You must know that in the prehistoric world, it is not unreasonable that Wuzhuangguan is called the strongest turtle shell by the ancient gods.


The earth-yellow light filled the air, and soon enveloped all the races. In the hazy halo, the geography of mountains and rivers was reflected, and it was a world of its own.

"Old Turtle dares to oppose the heaven, and this emperor wants you to know the consequences."

Di Jun's face was annoyed, his eyes were beating with light, and the sun was so hot that it burst out suddenly.

The two firelights fell like arrows, instantly falling on the layer of khaki light, and suddenly a loud noise broke out, but the khaki light just swayed slightly, and then it returned to its original appearance.

It is conceivable that the defensive power of the Innate Spirit Treasure Book has reached an outrageous level.

"You wait for a villain, you will only rely on foreign objects, and if you have a kind, you will hit it head-on!"

Qiangliang was furious, with a body of 920 meters and a height of [-] meters, his muscles as solid as a dragon, and his terrifying physique, he regarded it as the strongest attack method, and slammed into it directly.


The two collided, and the defense of the book shook slightly, rippling like a ripple.

Immediately afterwards, the khaki light suddenly recovered, and the force from Qiangliang's impact was all shaken back, bouncing his entire being a hundred miles away.

Rumble sounded!

The mountains and rivers along the way were all destroyed, and a deep pit with a width of one kilometer was drawn on the ground, extending all the way to the mountains in the distance.

The smoke and dust were soaring into the sky, and the mountains could not bear the majestic power, and collapsed with a rumbling sound, burying Qiangliang.

"Disrespectful, if you can break through the defense of the book of the earth, the human race will be at your disposal."

Zhen Yuanzi stroked the long beard on his chin, and opened his mouth in time.

Hearing this, Emperor Jun and Kunpeng of the Demon Race were shivering with anger, which was too deceiving.

If the defense of the book can be broken, the prehistoric world, I am afraid that there will be no such person as Zhen Yuanzi.

However, they did not continue to attack the book, but turned to attack Li Zhenwu.

"Then this emperor will let you release it yourself." Di Jun smiled sternly, and a strange light flashed in his bright eyes.

Kunpeng Demon Master's wings were like hanging clouds, and he spread his wings soaring straight up to the high sky.


Ancestral Wu Qiangliang, who was buried in the distance in the distance, rose into the sky and turned into the real body of Ancestral Wu, reaching a height of [-] meters, striding like a god and demon.

"I'm going to kill you."

He roared again and again, and a violent breath erupted from his body, and he was on the verge of losing his mind.

You must know that the Wu clan has no primordial spirit and does not practice the divine channel method, but has a tyrannical physique and can control natural forces. The more angry they are, the stronger they become.

"Zhenwu Daoist friend, Qiangliang will be handed over to you first, the people of the demon clan, let me do it!" Zhen Yuanzi said with great confidence.

"It's okay!"

Li Zhenwu nodded in response, his body was in the air, his body was filled with a raging blue arrogance, and the whole person rose into the sky.

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