After he left, the two monsters, Emperor Jun and Kunpeng, swooped down from the sky and attacked fiercely.

It seems that if you don't kill the clan, you will never give up.

Zhen Yuanzi was much more relaxed. When he attacked, he waved his hand gently, and a picture of the earth slowly unfolded, blocking all attacks.

That perverted defense is simply helpless.


"Boy, I'm going to kill you."

On the other side, when Qiang Liang saw Li Zhenwu flying towards him, he couldn't help roaring in the sky.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Li Zhenwu has no fear, the power of true martial arts in his body permeates, fused with the mutant energy of Chaos Fruit, exuding terrifying fluctuations.


The thunder fell and hit him unharmed, completely useless.

"Hundred times world king fist!"

Li Zhenwu screamed in the sky, and the blue arrogance on his body swayed violently, turning into blood red.

The majestic momentum, eager to compete with the sky, alarmed the entire prehistoric world.

"Get out of here!" Qiang Liang roared in a low voice, his fists like mountains, wrapped in the power of thunder, bombarded him.

On the surface of that fist, there was a violent lightning flash, which was very terrifying!

"Sister Gunny!"

Li Zhenwu sneered, clenched his right fist, his arm was surrounded by the golden dragon, Chan, full of mighty power.

Saiyan's strongest physical attack, Dragon Fist!


The two collided, and a huge wave broke out. Thousands of miles around, all living beings were destroyed.

The incomparable strength, in the collision of the two fists, shook the two people out.


Li Zhenwu was full of blood, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, dyeing the front of his clothes red.

To evolve into a Super Saiyan is to increase the normal combat power by hundreds of times, which is not the real combat power of the abnormal state, and can be used as a special method.

Under Li Zhenwu's normal state, he was only half a step quasi-saint level. At this moment, the increase of Kaiwang Fist and Super Saiyan God had only reached the peak of the mid-term quasi-saint.

Can forcefully improve strength, the load on the body, ordinary people have long since died.

It was because of the tyrannical physique of the Saiyans that they could endure it abruptly, and they could also burst into the strength of the mid-stage quasi-Saint.


He took out a fairy bean from the system backpack, Li Zhenwu swallowed it, the exhausted breath disappeared instantly, and his momentum skyrocketed again.

The majestic power, transformed by the power of true martial arts, seems to be endless, constantly emerging.

If Li Zhenwu's normal combat power can reach the quasi-sage, then after the transformation and the increase of the king's fist, he will definitely be able to hang them.

But at this moment, it is a bit difficult to deal with an ancestor witch.

"Wow wow wow..."

Zu Wu Qiangliang was even worse, his entire arm was bloody and was knocked to the ground, screaming in anger.

The tough collision between the two is simply a lose-lose style of play!

"Hunyuan Heluo Formation!"

At this moment, an ethereal voice sounded.

I saw two picture scrolls and book-like spiritual treasures flying above the sky, rising against the storm and turning into a space, enveloping Li Zhenwu and Qiang Liang.

One of the Ten Great Spiritual Treasures of the Great Desolation, Hetu Luoshu!

Chapter [-] Di Jun's insidiousness! (third more)

"What a strong physique, collided with Zu Wu head-on, since it was only injured!"

"Honghuang is recognized as the strongest physique, but I didn't expect to be suppressed by an unknown junior."

"It is said that before the chaos was opened, the gods and demons of chaos were known for their strong physique. When the great god Pangu opened up the world, he also used his strength to prove the Tao and become holy!"

"Flesh and body become holy, that's just a legend, but seeing that Li Zhenwu, I don't think it's necessarily a legend."

"There are only three opportunities for sanctification, cutting three corpses, and the people of heaven and earth are not in one's own body. Accumulate merits and gather the luck of the world. As for the sanctification of the flesh and body, in ancient times, only the great god Pangu was alone."

In the prehistoric world, many ancient gods were talking about it, and the spirits were swept away, full of surprises.

The battle between the three lich men in Wuzhuangguan was not a big battle, but it was enough to shake the long-settled prehistoric world.

You know, since the first Lich War, Honghuang has been recuperating for many years.

Now because of the arrival of the human race, it seems that it has become lively again.

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